Chapter 9

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He took my hand and led me to the counter. He grabbed two bottles of beer and cracked the lids off. I looked at it for a second when he handed it to me. 

"Really Max?"

"What, it doesn't burn too bad."

"How do you know that?"

"I got a little tipsy on a day when I was studying over at my classmate's place."

"You got drunk before you were of age?"

"Yeah, it's not that bad."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My jaw dropped when I heard that. I took a sip. It burned on the way down. It felt good in a weird way. He led me onto the floor and we danced the night away. The music was loud and the floor was shaking from people jumping up and down. People were leaning against the walls making out and reaching hands into areas of their bodies. Max and I probably had 3 beers. The party was getting crowded but we didn't mind. People were bumping into each other all over the place. Someone pushed me into Max. I looked up into his blue eyes. My heart began to pound fast. I was drunk but I didn't care. Tonight was the night to let things be free. I felt my hands across his chest and around his neck. I stared at his lips. They looked delicious. I pushed my chin up until my lips connected with his. They tasted like beer and a tint of mint gum. 

I thought he was going to push me away. I pulled back to look at his eyes once more. He stared at me with shock at first. Suddenly his hand wrapped around my waist as he pulled me close. With his free hand, he pulled my face in close and kissed me. I felt like my dreams were finally coming true. With a smile, he grabbed my hand and we rushed out the door. I pushed him through the door of our apartment. The door shut as I rushed him. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Up the stairs, to his room, I kissed him. He dropped me onto his bed before taking his shirt off. He pulled mine over my head and continued to kiss me. He undid the buttons of my jeans and I undid his belt.  Before I knew it he was laying on top of me. Our bare skin rubbed against each other. His surgery allowed him to be of a bigger size. I felt every movement as his body pushed into mine. His warm skin and weight pushed me down as he kissed my neck. Every motion of his hips was magical to me. I ran my fingers across his chest when he sat up. I ran them across the places where his scars were. I couldn't control myself. 

"You know Max, I have loved you from the beginning. Every curve of your body makes me shiver. I want it all. Forever."

I guess at the time I thought we would be too drunk to remember any of it in the morning. He gently rested into me again. I loved every second. His body was covered in sweat as my body moved with his. We rolled over and I was on top. I sat up and rolled my body in every direction. I wanted to feel every part of his body in me. His lips would slide across my breast making me shiver even more. His hands were gentle as he rubbed every part of me. By the end of the night, I lay on top of his sweaty body, feeling his arm across my back and the other holding my hand. Slowly with a smile, I fell asleep.

The sun peered through his curtain. I opened my eyes and realized where I was and what we did. I shot up with the blanket wrapped around me. I looked at the foot of the bed. Max was pulling his pants up over his white ass. His back was so smooth and his muscles were well-defined. 

"Oh god," I said placing my hand on my forehead. "What did we do?"

He turned around to look at me. I felt so embarrassed about everything that happened.

"Yeah, well, I liked it." He said.

"You would. You're an over-horny trans asshole." I said. He looked down. "Sorry."

"No, no, your right I am." 

"Max, I didn't mean it like that."

"No, I get it."

"Ok, do you remember anything from last night?" I was secretly praying that he didn't remember what I had said. 

"Actually, yeah I do."

"Oh no," I said. 

I pulled my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I buried my head, wanting to cry. I felt him sit on the bed and wrap his hands around my shoulders.

"Hey, I want to talk about it."

I looked up with tears in my eyes. "I'm so sorry, you didn't need to hear that."

"Actually, that's exactly what I wanted to hear."

"What do you mean Max?"

"I have been embarrassed to say it for a while now. But, ever since I came out to you so many years ago, I felt like you were the only person who understood me. You were everything to me. When I saw that I was hurting you, it made me feel like shit. What you said last night... well, let's just say that I feel the same way about you."


"Amy... I love you. I always have."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The love of my life has liked me for as long as I have liked him. I let my knees slowly slide down. He leaned forward and kissed me once more. I wrapped my arms around him. I felt a whole nother weight lift off of me. Gen tried to get back together with him a few weeks later, but he proudly exclaimed that he was happy with me. Ben also tried to repair things between me and him but I told him to go fuck himself. I allowed my parents to come to visit us. When I told them that Max and I were dating, my mother broke down crying about how I was breaking her heart. I didn't care, I was happy. 

Weeks turned into months. I had moved into his room where I had been sleeping with him. When we made love, it was magical. I loved every minute of us being together. He took me on a hike one day with my sister. She was also going into photography and wanted to take some pictures of us for an assignment. When we got to the top, the sun was beginning to set. Max and I hugged each other and did other cute motions. She told me to look one way, away from him. After that, she told me to turn to him. I turned around and was amazed. 

He was on his knee with a cobalt blue box in his hands. I cupped my hands around my nose and mouth. Tears began to swell in my eyes. I could hear the sound of the camera clicking with each movement. I looked at her. 

"You were a part of this?"

She nodded. I turned back to Max who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Amy, I love you more than anything. You have been there for me at every turn, even when I never knew it. You are the person who makes me smile, makes me laugh, and makes my mornings full of sunshine. Will you make me the happiest man on the planet?"

I nodded. I couldn't believe what he was telling me. He stood up and placed the medium-sized diamond on my finger. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his lips. My sister continued to snap pictures of the whole event. 

"Isn't love amazing sis." She said.

"Oh yes, sis. Especially when it's a Trans love."

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