Chapter 3

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The nurse finished fitting the cast on his hand before handing me the painkiller prescription. With instructions on how to take care of it, we both were on our way home. Mom had gone over to his house and grabbed a few of his clothes. He was going to stay with us for a little while. As we approached the truck, I grabbed the keys out of his one good hand.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm not going to let you drive with a broken hand, Max. You have taken care of me for so long, let me take care of you for once."

"I don't need your help."

"Really? Because if that is the case then I don't know why you are still my friend, Max. Sure we have been through a lot of shit together but that's what we do. We help each other even when we think we don't need it."

His head dropped to the pavement as I sighed. This wasn't the first fight we had had in the past. We always found ourselves fighting about helping one another or other shit like that. Somehow we made it work out though. 

"Ok fine, but if I see one scratch on the paint, I'll--"

"You'll what? Break my neck with your one good hand?"

"--Never mind. Get in the stupid car bitch."

I rolled my eyes before letting out a small giggle. I slowly pushed the seat forward to where I needed it. My legs were not as long as his were. I rolled over the engine and started on our way home. 

My siblings ran around trying to get ready for bed. The long week was getting rewarded with a long week off and it all started that Friday evening. My sister was moved out to the guest bedroom so that Max and I could share a room. Mom was still calling him by his dead name though. 

"Will you be comfortable here, Makenzie?"

"Mom, for the hundredth time, it's Max."

"Honey, if God wanted her to be a boy then he would have made her a boy. But she is not."

"Well fuck you, because these times are different. It is common for youth to change who they are so you should just shut the hell up and accept that the old people days are over!"

She slammed the bedroom door and walked away. I sighed as I placed my hand on my forehead. Max stood to the side and looked at the floor awkwardly. 

"Sorry about that."

"It's no problem."

"It's just when I came out as bisexual in 6th grade she has been trying to educate me in "the way of the lord" or some bullshit like that. I get that she wants the best but she needs to learn to respect people for their identities."

"It's the usual bullshit I went through, so I'm used to it."

"Yeah well, she doesn't know that my big sister Julie is dating Genevieve's little sister."

"She is?"

"Yeah, she doesn't have good taste in people, believe me."

We both laughed. In my family, you either kept your non-straight identity a secret or got humiliated. For example, my oldest brother Derek is believed to be married to a sweet woman. What mom doesn't know, is that it's a trans woman. The next oldest is Julie and then me. Then there is Alex, who came out as gay and has been criticized harshly by my parents. Gene is dating a boy who is bisexual, Samantha is Queer, Kylie is straight, Nora is straight, Sylvia is too young to know what she is right now as she is only 5 and a half, and the twins Samuel and Dustin are only four years old. They don't even know what gender is. It makes me laugh that homophobic parents can have the majority of their children belong to the LGBTQ+ community. 

As the night began to settle, so did we. I wasn't at all shy as I began to change for bed. I removed my pants and my shirt without thinking about Max who was sitting on my bed staring at my bare chest. I grabbed my shirt and looked up and him. His eyes were wide and his jaw was stiff. I quickly threw my shirt over my head and pulled it down low on my waist to cover my pink panties. 

"If you were born a boy you would probably have the hardest boner in history I'll bet," I said jokingly.

He just kept staring and slowly nodded his head up and down. I let out a small laugh as I reached down for my bottoms. He watched as I tied the straps around my waist, securing my oversized Doctor Who-themed pajama pants. 

"Are you going to change into pajamas or not?" I asked him.

He looked around before spotting the bag that was on the floor. I watched him from the corner of my eye as he unbuckled his silver belt buckle and gently pulled at the button and zipper. He let his fly hang open as he pulled his flannel off his shoulder and his t-shirt over his strong shoulders. He had adjusted the binder so that there was a zipper on the side that he could pull down to take it off much easier. It was strange to see curves on his chest as I had only seen him with a flat t-shirt. He wasn't any bigger than a C cup. With his chest now bear he pulled his pants down. From his bag, he pulled out his red plaid pajamas. He slid his long legs into the pants and pulled them up with such grace. From the front of his pants, he removed his packer and hid it under his black jeans. He turned as he pulled his shirt over his shoulders and started doing the buttons in the front. I tried to keep my eyes averted from him but failed. 

"You, uh... you can have the bottom bunk if you want." I said nervously.

He just smiled and nodded before sitting down. With what seemed like a lump in my throat I left the room to get a drink of water from the kitchen. My parents had long since retired to the bedroom for the night. As I filled a glass, my older sister Julie turned the corner and joined me.

"So, how is it to have a boy share the same room as you?"

"That's not funny Julie."

"I think it is. You have a crush on him and I know it. So, what was it like watching him change?"

I looked at her with irritation before taking another sip. She continued to look at me. She made faces of kissy lips and curiosity. I eventually caved in.

"It was... memorizing. To see him, how he looks now, and knowing I might still be friends with him when he gets his surgeries done, I couldn't look away. He moved so smoothly like... like he had done this since he was born. I mean, I know I sound like a pervert saying this but... I could watch him change all day."

"Yup, my little sister is in love."

"Stop it, Julie. I know I like him but to say that I'm in love with him. I mean... come on."

"Hey, I am not judging you. It's just nice to see you happy, that's all." She smiled before returning to the guest bedroom.

I shook my head with a huff before placing my empty glass in the sink and returning to my room. I attempted to walk quietly past the rooms of my siblings to not wake them up. When I reached my door, I slowly opened it and found Max fast asleep on the bottom bunk. He must have been completely worn out by the day's events if he was passed out already. I slowly shut the door behind me and approached him. He was too tired to tuck himself under the covers. Carefully I pulled them out from under him and pulled them up over his shoulders. With a gentle brush, I swept his fallen curls out of his face and placed a small kiss on his forehead before turning the lights out. I slowly crawled up the ladder to the top bunker, carefully avoiding the creaky steps. As I adjusted myself under the covers, I began to think about the next few days and what would happen. Graduation was in the next couple of months and Max was alone. I had hopes and dreams that we were going to stay together forever, but I didn't know how much of that dream was going to continue. 

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