Chapter 7

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We walked into the small apartment and instantly fell in love. As soon as you walked in the living room was right there with an open kitchen behind that. The two bedrooms were upstairs. To the side across from the staircase was a half bath. Further down that hall was the laundry room and a large storage room. To the other side of the house was the entrance to the garage. You may be asking how this is an apartment. All of the walls are connected to another building. There are other apartments above us as well. As soon as we had scoped out the layout, we started bringing things in. I choose the bedroom that was facing the mountains. Max got the one that was facing the street and other apartments across the way. 

It didn't take too long for us to get out room set up. The hard part was bringing in the couch and other larger appliances. The majority of it ended up in the storage room. As soon as we were satisfied with the layout of things, it was time for bed. It was weird sleeping in a new place. I had done it many times before by now but the strange tingle in my stomach was the same tingle I got at graduation. 

The next morning, we ended up walking around campus and learning where our classes were. While walking in the courtyard, guess who noticed us and came to say hello? Genevieve. 

"OMG! You guys are back! That's amazing! How have things been? Max, you look good, what's changed?"

"Hey, Gen, things have been pretty good. We moved into an apartment last night and have been walking around all day. As for what has changed, well, I got my surgeries." Max said with confidence.

Gen looked like her jaw dropped to the grass. She looked him up and down with her eyes wide open. I could tell that she wanted into one specific area. Her eyes stopped at his waist before shooting up to his eyes. 

"So, have you two started dating yet, or are you still single?" She started playing with her hair and bit her bottom lip. 

I looked at Max who seemed uncomfortable. "I am currently single still." He seemed to strain the words. 

From her back pocket, she produced a card with her number on it. She handed it to him before winking and walking away. We watched as she moved past us. I looked at Max but he was too busy watching her ass sway side to side. I smacked his arm.


"You really want to hit that up? Seriously, whatever happened to 'there is no way she's giving me a blowjob' huh?"

"What, I can't look at the finer things?"

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away.

"Hey look at this. Apparently, she went into writing. It says here she works for the newspaper." Max said pointing to the card. 

"Why does that not surprise me."

"What does that mean?" He said.

"It's Genevieve Catolock. She was the queen and spreading rumors and lies. Her working for a newspaper? Looks like much hasn't changed."

Max rolled his eyes. We ended the night with some lunch. I was in my room getting my things ready for school when Max came in. 

"Hey Amy, is there anything between us?"

"What? No why?" I shot up nervously.

"Oh good. I was just making sure that the weird question from Gen didn't offend you." He seemed to stumble over his words.

"No, of course not, why would it?"

We stood there staring at each other for a second. Neither of us knew what to say. 

"Right, well, I'm going to bed so, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Max."

As soon as he shut my door I let out a sigh. I did feel something for him but I was too scared to say anything. I wanted to tell him that I loved him more than anything. I wanted him to know that I wanted him to be mine forever. I was just too scarred. I had known this guy forever and didn't want to make it awkward. 

The next morning had me shooting out of bed with excitement. I ran down the stairs to find that Max had already been up and made breakfast. I grabbed some of the toast off the counter and ran out the door.

"Woah, don't you want something more?"

"No, I want to get to class extra early Max. See you later."

"Ok." I heard him say over my shoulder.

Luckily, a bus stopped to pick us up just down the road. I got to my first class early. Another boy walked in and sat down next to me. 

"Hi, I'm Ben."


"Nice to meet you."

Class started a few minutes after that. Ben seemed nice. He asked me where I had come from, what I was studying, and some other stuff just to get to know me. At the end of that class, I went to my second class. Ben just happened to be heading there as well. He seemed really nice but I didn't want to give him the wrong idea. I got home to find that Max was still gone. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV.  A few hours later Max walked through the front door. 

"Hey, how was your day?" I asked over the couch. 

"It was good, you?"

"It was good. I got to know a guy named Ben. He seems really nice."

"Really? Oh. Gen is in one of my photography classes, can you believe it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, actually I can."

Months passed of classes and relationships being made. One night changed everything between Max and me. We decided to invite some of the friends we had made over for a game night. Ben, Genevieve, and another boy name Jacob had come over for a small party. We played games, drank soda, and watched some funny videos. 

"Hey Max, can I see your room?" Asked Genevieve.

"Yeah sure." 

They stood up and walked up the stairs. I talked with the other two boys a little longer before they excused themselves. They had homework and had to get home. I walked them out and thanked them for a good time. I walked up the stairs. As I passed Max's room I heard a noise. The door was cracked but I couldn't see much. I gently pushed it a little more to get a better view. To my horror, Gen was on her knees and Max was sitting on the bed. I'll let you finish the image. I pulled the door closed quietly. I tried to calm myself but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I just ran into my room and shut the door. I was angry with him. He said it was never going to happen and then he goes and does this. How can he?

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