Flight 09: Is it over...?

80 3 5

Date: 12.14.21


*fire alarm*

The engine is on fire and my propellor for my Cessna has broken off, meaning I cannot gain any more speed or altitude. I'm going down fast and trapped inside the cockpit because somehow or someone must've shut the door tight because I kept on kickin it but it was no use.

I pulled my emergency pistol out, aimed it toward the lock, and pulled the trigger making the handgun fire the bullet that was able to pierce through it and open the door but when I looked down the windshield...

It was too late


The entire cockpit was instantly flooded and I quickly swam out of there and headed toward the surface. I activated my life jacket which aided me to the surface but I'm about 150 feet in the ocean meaning that I have to swim up ASAP or else I'll drown.

I kept on swimming upward and I felt like I was losing oxygen and energy but I cannot give up.

I just hope that a rescue team will be coming soon because I wasn't able to reach them if they even suspect that something is wrong.

Suddenly, my body started to give in and I started to feel weak and by mistake I opened my mouth letting all of the air out. I started to panic then gathered all of my strength to continue up but it was pointless as I continued to sink to the bottom.

After, I started seeing nothing but black...


???'s POV

We kept on flying around the ocean trying to find the missing cadet but the ocean is clear as day and we are not picking up any signals or any signs of wreckage.

I already believe he must've sunken by now, but we cannot give up. So forth, I kept trying to use the radar waves to pick up anything that is made out of metal as it is our best way of finding him.

"Sir, we are starting to run low on fuel and we are not seeing anything. I suggest we turn back." My Co-pilot advised but I shook my head.

"Look bud, there's a cadet's life at stake and we cannot just abandon him." I replied to him.

"I mean no disrespect sir, but we cannot help him if we run out of fuel and crash into the ocean." He countered me and I sighed.

"Fine, wi-" I was about to say but I paused when the radar started to get a signal.

"Looks like a signal! Let's lower down and investigate!" I said to them and the diver team nodded.

I lowered the seahawk down to the ocean until we reached the desired altitude then continued to hover over the ocean water. Afterwards, the divers made their final checks and jumped into the water.

"You guys better hurry, we don't have long until we have to return back to the Enterprise." I radioed to the divers.

"Roger that, sir!" They replied to me.

15 minutes later...

We kept on waiting until I looked at the fuel gauge to see that it's really starting to run low which concerns me because the diving team hasn't returned yet.

"Guys, you need to resurface now! We have to go back!" I radioed to the divers.

"Don't worry, sir! We're coming up and it's our lucky day. We managed Cadet Jang Y/N but he's in rough shape!" They replied back to me and I celebrated.

"YES!!! Excellent work you two! I'll send down the stretcher!" I radioed to the divers.

"Drop down the stretcher!" I ordered the crew team and they nodded before they got to work and lowered the stretcher when the dive team made it to the surface.

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