Flight 05: Crush?!

147 3 6

Date: 10.21.21

Wonyoung's POV

It's been weeks to a couple of months since Y/N decided to just hide in his room, he never comes out unless he has to use the bathroom or to grab food when he's hungry but even if he does come outside of his room...

His face looks so tired out and depressed, I'm starting to get really worried about him. I called Seungyeon to ask what happened to my brother but she really has no idea besides him having an argument with a girl.

Wonyoung - Italic | Seungyeon - Bold

"Do you at least know the girl's name?"

"It's Jennie Kim. A member of Blackpink, do you know her personally?"

"Y-Yes, I do..."

"Do you mind explaining what's going on between them?"

"I don't know if Oppa wants me to tell anyone at the moment, so it's best that I keep it a secret for now until he feels comfortable enough."

"Okay, I understand."

"Thank you, for your patience, it's a complicated situation right now, goodbye."


I hung up the call, put my phone down onto the kitchen counter before taking a deep breath. Why does Jennie need to come back? She already ruined his life, she doesn't need to ruin it more than she already had.

I look at the family picture along with a jet plane model with a stand that makes it fly. I really wish my parents are back home but they're busy with a mission right now but they promise to come back just in time for Y/N's graduation. At least they hope...

*doorbell rings*

The doorbell noise grabbed my attention in an instant, I got up from my chair, headed to the front door to look through the peephole and see that it was Elkie. Huh, wonder why she's here. I open the door to see that she's carrying a bag.

"Hey, Elkie, do you need anything?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"No, I just came to deliver Y/N some food that Seungyeon cooked, she hopes It'll make him feel better." Elkie answered me while motioning for me to take the bag.

"Why isn't Seungyeon here?" I asked her and she sighed.

"She's busy with errands at the company, so she asked me to do it for her." She answered me and I nodded before taking the food.

"Tell Seungyeon that we said thank you." I instructed her and she nodded.

"Of course, have a good day now." She said before heading to her car and driving off into the main road, disappearing out of view in seconds before I closed the front door.

I headed upstairs to Y/N's room and knocked on his door but I got no answer from him, I knocked harder to make sure he heard me but still no response. I sighed before slowly opening the door revealing a sleeping Y/N but it had a bad alcohol smell which made me cover my nose.

"Aish, I can't believe he's drinking!" I said in my thoughts with anger and concern while shaking my head at his antics. I slowly approached him and shaked his body, making him wake up.

"Ughhhh... what happened...?" He said in a drunken voice and slowly opened his eyelids.

"You drank too much Y/N, in fact, drinking is bad for you! Now go and shower, you stink." I told him and he got up from bed, walked to the bathroom while I handed him a change of clothes.

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