Chapter 5: The Night Continues

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The cab stopped in front of a large building. It looked like a warehouse but I knew what was inside. I paid the driver and lead Jared inside. Walking through the hallway, I found the right entrance and into the open area of bench seats that looked over an ice surface.
"Is there anywhere you go that's not cold? And I have been to ice rinks before." He said playfully.
"Just sit down. You'll enjoy this." I pulled him down on the bench.
Seconds after we sat down, the PA system crackled and the distinct beginning of Pink Floyd's Money echoed through the rink. Two people appeared on the ice and began to skate, covering the surface while performing twists and turns, lifts and tricks. The couple moved together like they knew exactly where the other would be. It was brilliant to watch. About half way through the performance, I looked over at Jared. He was staring, captivated by the artistry and musicality on display. And I'm sure he loved that Pink Floyd was playing. The song ended and the couple finished. I clapped and cheered for the great performance. Jared joined me.
"Come on. Let's go down." I stood up.
"Are we able to? They're practicing." He was almost unsure.
"And now they're done. I called earlier and asked if they would be here. I think that they're excited to meet you."
"Well I'd really like to meet them. I've seen skaters but never live like this. That was amazing."
We walked down to ice level. The couple came over to meet us. I smiled as I got closer. They were so great to watch.
"Just perfect as always." I told them, hugging the girl first then her partner.
"Did you notice the changes?" The young man asked smiling back.
"Of course. Always. Might I introduce my new friend Jared. Jared these are two of the countries best ever figure skaters, Tessa and Scott."
Jared stepped over. "That was spectacular. I've seen skating but that....Wow!"
"Thank you." Scott shook his hand. "We're really big fans of yours. Your band is great and Dallas Buyers Club is an amazing movie."
"Thanks back."
"Scott and Tessa came to an adoption rally after the Olympics. We found lots of homes that day." I explained.
"Including one to each of us." Tessa added.
"Wait. The Olympics. That's where I've heard your names. One of the girls were watching the skating competition. I caught it. What you can do on skates is just insane. It's art." Jared was impressed.
"Would you care to try?" I almost dared him.
"No fucking way." He laughed. "Last time I wore skates I was a kid. I'm glad to just watch."
"Do you have time for one more?" I hoped.
"Of course. We're wrapping up our practice." Scott nodded.
"Thanks for letting us watch."
"Anytime." Tessa reached over to hug me again.
"Hope you like this one Jared."
Scott headed to the middle, Tessa followed. We sat a few rows back. The song that played was more classical and they flowed like water across the surface.
"So. You know some interesting people." Jared commented.
"A few. When it comes to animals, I'll take any help to promote the cause. And many public figures are happy to help when asked." I explained.
"Don't I know it. Tomo would love what you're doing."
"I like that he does. I see his posts on facebook for shelters. All of you do great things to make the environment better."
"You don't have to run outside in your swimsuit."
"Huh?" I looked away from the ice.
Jared was looking straight into my eyes. They were so blue.
"I'm impressed. You win."
"Thank goodness. I'd need to buy a new one." I raised my eyebrows.
He smiled and we went back to watching the beautiful display.
Afterward, we all went for tea and hot chocolate in the small cafe just outside the rink. Music and art, as well as travel was talked about. Jared signed some items for Scott and Tessa and I took a picture of them all as a memory of a fun night. We said goodnight about ten o'clock. The skaters had to rest for a performance the next day.
"So now what?" He asked before going back into the cold.
"This was all I planned for tonight." I confessed.
"The it was a good night. Do you work tomorrow?"
"No. Unless we have a rescue or event, weekends are free." I involuntarily yawned and stretched my arms.
"You've had a long day. Maybe we can pick this up tomorrow?"
"If you'd like to. Don't you have things to do while you're here?"
"Let's see. I flew in from LA, met with my director, had a haircut and shave, then they bleached my hair. Nope I'm free." He shrugged
I laughed, remembering the long, ombré hair he'd sported for over a year.
"Alright then. Let's get you back and I'll figure something out." I agreed, not believing I would have more time with him.
"Sounds good to me." He reached for my hand and walked me out the door.
A cab was letting someone off and we jumped in. Giving the driver the hotel address, we sat quietly until getting back. Through the lobby, into the elevator and up to his room.
"You didn't have to come up with me." Jared reached for his key card.
"And what kind of person would I be if I didn't make sure you got back safe?" I pretended to be seeing a date home.
"I should have seen you home. My mother will be horrified that I wasn't a gentleman."
"That's okay. I won't tell her. Remember this is my city. I'll get home fine."
"I guess this is goodnight. Thank you. I've had a really good time." He stood at the door.
"I'm glad. See you tomorrow." I looked up into those eyes, watching his expression get soft.
"Just come up and knock whenever you decide to go out. I'll be ready."
"Okay. Goodnight Jared. Have a good night's sleep."
Instead of replying, he bent his head and pressed his lips to mine once again. This time, I reached up and placed my hands on his neck. I felt his hands pull my waist toward his body. Again the kiss was firm and full of something that made a shiver go through my body.
"Mmmmm. Jared." I sighed when he moved back.
"It just seemed right." He whispered.
"Keep it up and you're going to kill me."
"Hope not. I kinda like you too much."
"I'm going to leave before I do something out of the ordinary for me."
"I'd like to know what that is." He held me a bit closer.
I moaned on instinct. This was not my intent and I stepped back to break the hold.
"Goodnight Jared."
I turned and walked back to the elevator. Looking back, he waved slightly as I stepped inside. I was happy it was empty, so I could lean against the cool wall. I felt like my skin was on fire. Who's life was this that Jared wanted to spend time with me? I hoped that I could get some sleep and have dreams filled with images of our night.

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