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~ (Y/n's P.O.V) ~
We were at Eddie's house getting supplies. "Take everything but the delicious deal guys my mom loves 'em" eddies told us digging through cabinets.

"Hey first you said the barren's now your saying the sewers I mean what if we get caught?" I look over to Eddie and bill talking while Richie goes through more cabinets.

"We won't Ed's the sewers are p-public works we the public a-aren't we?" Bill replied to Eddie.

"Yeah and besides it's not private if it was we would definitely try not to get caught" I said I see Richie open a cabinet full of pills.

"Hey eddie these are birth control pills?" Richie teased and he chuckled. "Yeah I'm saving it for your sister this is private stuff".

"Hey I'm right here ya know" I threw my hands up in the air as Eddie looks over closing the cabinet Richie opened. "Oh yeah right sorry" eddie apologize.

We all look at each other and started to laugh a little eddie rolled his eyes. "Let's just go" we all come out of Eddie's kitchen I was behind him as I see him pick up a bottle of pills.

We head towards the door until Eddie's mom stops us from going out the door. "Eddie bear" she called.

Eddie looks over to where she was "we're you guys are off to in such a rush?" She asked. But eddie didn't answer.

"Um j-j-just my backyard mrs. k i got new-" bill paused in in sentence. I answered for him "a new croquet set" I smiled. "Yeah jeez spit out b-b-bill" Richie mocked bill but bill didn't say anything.

"Okay oh and sweetie don't go rolling around in the grass especially if it's just been cut. You k now how bad your allergies can get." Mrs. kaspbrak said looking up at us.

"Yes ma" eddie replied giving us a sign to go outside but his mom stops us again. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She said.

Eddie sighed as he walked over to mrs. k and gave a kiss on her cheek. Richie started snickering and I hit him on his arm.

Eddie walks back over as Richie comments "do you want one from me too mrs. k?" Richie asked. To all of us getting pushed out the door.

"Sorry mommy" Eddie apologize while shutting the door. "Great now we have to get Stan" I go over to pick up my bike.

"Do I still get my kiss?" Richie questioned with a smile on his face. "No" we all said getting on our bikes. "Bummer" Richie mumbles.

We went to go get Stan now we're biking to the barrens.

~ (Richie's P.O.V) ~
We get to the barrens the hope off our bikes when Stan points out "that's poison ivy and that's poison ivy and that's poison ivy" Stan pointed out pointing to a plant.

"Where where's the poison ivy?" Eddie ask I turn around to answer Eddie "no where not every fucking plant is poison ivy stanley" I roll my eyes at Stan.

I hear y/n sigh as I turn back "just come on and Stan those plants aren't poison ivy your overreacting" y/n said.

Me, bill and y/n were inside but Stan and Eddie weren't. "Okay I'm starting to get itchy now and I'm pretty sure this is not-". Before he could finish I cut him off.

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" I joked. "Sometimes yeah" Eddie responded. "Than you probably have crabs" I teased.

"That's so not funny" he said. I turn around to see Stan and Eddie outside. "Aren't you guys coming in?" I questioned "na uh that's grey water" Eddie complained pointing at the shitty water.

"What the hell is grey water?" I question Eddie be looks back at me. "Basically piss and shit so I'm just telling you" Eddie raised his arm in the air like he was surrendering.

"You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of derry pee" I put the stick in the water and smell the stick afterwards. "Are you serious wa-what are you-".

I held the stick up like a baseball bat. "Doesn't smell like caca señor" I changed my voice a little.

"I can smell that from here" he complained again. "It's probably just your breath walking back to your face" I teased Eddie. I could tell Eddie was getting annoyed so was Stan.

"Have you ever head of a staph infection?!" Eddie shout to me. "I'm also a staph infection" I turn around to pick up something I found in the water.

"This is unsanitary your litterly like living inside of a toilet bowel. Right now and you ever heard of a latera-l". I pick it up an throw it to Eddie he scream a little and jumped back.

~ (Y/n's P.O.V) ~
I head Richie and eddie argue with eachother I sigh and roll my eyes as I turn around. "Would you two just shut up and kiss already" I sound a little annoyed.

"Shut up" Eddie rolls his eyes but smiles also. "Yeah that's so not funny at all" Richie had a sarcastic tone. "Stan thinks it's funny" I say pointing over at Stan.

Richie turns to see Stan laughing. "Oh wow nice way to go tozier" Richie was partially annoyed at this moment.

"Um we have the same name we're twins" I scrunch up my face and Richie sigh.

"Um no we're not we're 1 year apart" Richie argues with me. "Um no just because your older than me doesn't mean we're one year apart. We're only 1 minute apart and also-" before I could finish bill cuts me off.

"Guys!" He shouts I turn around and see him hold someone's shoe. "Shit don't tell me that's" Stan stoped mid sentence.

Me and Richie walks up to bill holding the shoe. "Who's sneaker it is it?" Eddie asked bill flashed the light over the shoe as it reads ripson.

"It's Betty ripson's" Richie said facing Eddie. "What's her shoe doing in here?" I said with a consered look on my face. "I d-don't know" bill answer.

"Shit god oh fuck I don't like this" Eddie look down over to Stan. "How you think Betty feels wondering around this tunnels with only one fricking shoe.

Richie pulls his feet out of the water to reveal his shoe. I was silent Richie turns his head to meet bill.

We were all talking about Betty and georgie when someone comes up. Stan turn around me bill and Richie comes out.

"Holy shit what happened to you!" Richie shouted at the kid the he didn't answer he just look at him.

Stan and Eddie run's to help him up.

                        ~ (Bill's P.O.V) ~
We rode our bikes into town as Eddie kept talking. The kid was on the back of my bike we get to a Place to sit out bikes down and the kid.

"Richie wait here" I said to him "come on" I told Stan, y/n, and eddie. We went to a pharmacy to get stuff for the kid.

Stan pulls out his money only 2 dollars. "Can we afford all that?" I questioned Stan. Eddie turn back to look at Stan money.

"This is all we got" Stan answered. "Wait you have an account here don't you?" Y/n said coming up behind me.

"If my mom found out I brought all this stuff for myself she'll have me in the emergency room getting x- rayed" Eddie whispered.

"How are we going to pay for this stuff?" Y/n said Stan shrugged his shoulders.

Eddie looks behind me and drop something me and y/n turn around to see Beverly.

"Y-you okay?" I asked and she look scared. "I'm fine what's wrong with you?" she simply said. Stan didn't want to say so he said "none of your business"  but Eddie answered for him.

"There's a kid outside look like someone killed him" Eddie said for Stan. "Yeah we don't have any money can you help us out" y/n asked.

We were now outside fixing the kid. "Hey what's your name?" Y/n asked the kid. "Ben" he said.
Richie joked as always as we fixed Ben.

We told Beverly about going to the quarry hopefully she be there.

A/n: sorry there long their all gonna be so yeah

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