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                       ~ (Y/n's P.O.V) ~
We were at the quarry seeing who can spit the furthest. Eddie didn't go far at all it was horrible. "Omg that's horrible I win" Richie pointed.

"Okay who ever said it was a competition Richard when did this even become one" Eddie argue with richie.

Bill cut richie off before he can finish. "Alright who's first" he said pointing downs at the water I was terribly afraid of heights.

"I'll go!" A voice shouted behind us all we turn around to see Beverly taking her dress off. She runs up to us as she does she says "sissies".

Beverly jumps off the clif. "What the fuck!" Richie shouted as Beverly jumped off the cliff.
"Ah holy shit we just shown off by a girl" Richie comments.

"I'm a girl" I said all the boys look at me "yeah your different you the same definition of Richie" Eddie said "oh fuck you" I teased shoving Eddie a little.

"We have to do that now?" Stan voice was shaking he was scared I hate to admit do was i "yes" Eddie replied to Stan.

We all look down to Beverly say "come on!" Ben waves bill jumps down everyone does except for me and Richie.

~ ( Richie's P.O.V) ~
I was about to go down but then I stopped "aren't you coming?" I said as I was about to jump off. "Nope I'm terrified of heights and you know that" y/n sarcastic smile as she walks away .

I sigh as I Tun and pick her up bridal style. "Wait richie what are-" I didn't answer I ran to the edge and jumped off with y/n.

"Richieeee!" y/n screams on the way down when we get to the bottom y/n drowns me. "Fuck your Richard!" She shouts.

After she let me go.

~ (Bill's P.O.V) ~
We were all sitting down staring at Beverly and y/n but my eyes were only on y/n. They both turn their heads and we do the same.

They sit up as I see Richie digs through ben's backpack "what's in the bag Ben schools out for summer" Richie held his hand up to his mouth like and microphone.

Ben looks down at what Richie's doing.

                       ~ (Ben's P.O.V) ~
I look down to Richie going through I backpack "oh that that's not school stuff" I see him pick the card up that I wrote for Beverly. "Who sent you this?" Richie joked as I snatched the card away from him.

"No one" my voice was in a annoying tone he goes back in and pulls out a blue folder. "What's with the history project?" Richie asked handing the folder to bill.

"Oh well when I moved here I really did have anyone to hangout with so I just started spending time in the library" I answered but Richie stated.

"You went to the library?" Y/n questioned me taking her sunglasses off. "Yeah" I said looking back at Richie

"You really went to the library in the summer" Richie comment but I ignore it as Beverly and y/n  get up.

"Oh I wanna see" Beverly said as she sits by me and y/n sits by bill.

"What's the black spot?" Stan asked. "It was a nightclub that was burned down by that racist cold" Eddie said

                     ~ (Y/n's P.O.V) ~
Bill looks over to me. "Y-you look b-b-beautiful y/n" bill smiled at me "oh thanks" I smiled. I see Richie get the blue folder. "What are you doing with all that stuff?" I asked Ben Richie handing me the papers.

"I've only lived here for three days or so but Derry's not like a place I've ever been" we all had concerned looks on our faces.

"I've got more stuff if you wanna see?" Be said Eddie shook his head in a no phase but we all still went.

We were biking to Ben's house we all get off our bikes Eddie falls. But Richie doesn't help him he only looks at him.

Ben was the first one to go in as we all followed behind. Richie and eddie started to talk to eachother as we reached ben's room.

"Wow" Richie was surprised so was I "cool huh?" Ben asked. "No no nothing cool" we all looked over his things.

"This is cool right here" Eddie tried to compliment but changed his mind. "Oh no it's not".

"What's that?" I asked pointing up a paper on the wall. "Oh that that's the charter for derry township" Ben answered we looked over at Richie as he says something as always.

"Nerd alert" of course Richie didn't give a fuck about history he only gave one about street fighter.

I roll my eyes at Richie's teasing. "No it's it's actually really interesting derry started as a beaver shop at camp".

"Still is am i right guys!" Richie puts his hand up for another high five but didn't get one. "91 people signed a charter that made derry. But later that winter they all disappeared without a trace".

I look close into a picture as I see a creepy ass clown. I scrunch my eye brows in confusion "the entire camp?" I hear Eddie say but I was still focusing on the picture.

"Rumors of Indians but no sign of an attack everybody through it was just a plague of something. But it's like one day every woke up and just left" I move over to where Ben was so see the picture with that creepy ass clown again.

"The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house" Ben told us. "Do you think it has something to do with this creepy ass clown here" I asked Ben as he turn back around to me.

He comes closer to the picture. "I've never thought of that" he said. "What if the clown has something to do about the well".

"Yeah but who would want to be in the sewers" I look down to think for a moment and it hit me georgie.

I Turn to bill. "Bill" I said catching his attention to Turn to me. "Y-y-yeah?" Everyone looks over at me even Beverly. "Didn't you say they lady said she saw Georgie by the sewer?" I asked bill as he gave me a confused look.

"Yeah w-why?" Bill questioned I pause as I keep going. "She said it's like he was talking to someone right?" Bill nodded at my question.

"Then what else happened?" Bill looks down and back up at me. "She said t-t-that she left for a m-m-minute can back and saw t-that he was gone"

"And all these bloody clothes leads to a well she saw blood too and a well leads to a sewer. What if georgie was talking to someone what if he was talking to this clown" I finished.

"Jesus scine when did my sister become a nerd" Richie said while adjusting his glasses I just ignored him.

"Were gonna need this" bill said as he held up and file that said old derry on it.

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