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~ (Y/n's P.O.V) ~
It was now august me and the losers hasn't seen eachother in i only seen Richie. Me and Beverly we're gonna meet up to have a girls day but she didn't come.

I bike over to her apartment to see her front door open. "Beverly" I called out but no answer I look in the bathroom to see her dad on the floor with blood coming out of him.

I started to panic as I seen her dad. "Beverly" I called out as I go into Beverly's room and see word written on the ceiling.

"You die if you try" it reads all over in blood. I immediately knew who took her it took her. I leave her apartment as bike over to Bill's house.

I knock on the door to see Bill's dad. "What do you want kid?" He said "uh is bill home" I asked as he sighed as turned around to call bill.

                      ~ (Bill's P.O.V) ~
I hear my dad call me downstairs. I get up as I walk down there to see y/n. "W-w-what's wrong?" I asked as she started to panic.

"Bill it got Beverly" she told me. We got all the losers as we biked to the well house we were all prepared to end this thing once and for all.

"Guys...spikes" I told them taking my backpack off. To put the thing together that Beverly had before.

                    ~ (Richie's P.O.V) ~
We were at the well house for Beverly. I pick a glass bottle as I smash it on the rail. Everyone looks at me as I throw down the glass bottle.

We all walked inside except for Stan. "Stan?" Y/n said as we all turned back to look at him. "Stan we all have to go b-b-Beverly was right if we split up like last time that clown will kill us one by one. But if we stick together, all of us, will win" bill told Stan as he walked in.

We all followed bill down to the basement to a well. "Hey Eddie, you got a quarter?" I asked Eddie as we flashed our flashlights down the well.

"Wouldn't wanna make a wish in that fucking thing" he told me. "Beverly!" Ben shouted down as his voice echoed.

"How we're supposed to get down there?" Y/n asked us looking down at the well. I turn around to see a rope.

We hook the rope up as I threw it down. Mike tugged it to make sure it was tight enough. Y/n stepped up as she puts her flashlight in her pocket as she climbed down.

We stalled climbed down now is was mike's turn. "Help me!" Mike yelled as we turn back around.

"Mike!" Y/n shouts as i do the same we look up to see Henry baaing at us. With blood on his face.

We see Henry grab the rope . "No no no no" I say trying grab the rope. "Get the rope, get the rope!" Eddie squealed as trying to grab it.

"Mike!" I called again. "Leave him alone!" Y/n yelled we hear yelling as bowers come flying down.

"Holy shit!" I say as we all flashed our flashlights down to where he was going. "Guys...where's Stan".

                    ~ (Stan's P.O.V) ~
"Stan" a voice called that sounds like Beverly. "Beverly is that you?" I say with no answer I look more as I see a clown laughing.

I turn back to the other but the weren't there "guys!?" I called out but one one answered I just hear pipes clanging.

I hear footsteps as my breathing becomes heavy. I turn around again and again when the lady I kept seeing comes up to me.

𝐓𝐎𝐙𝐈𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now