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                         ~ (Y/n's P.O.V) ~
We were all sitting down at the parade talking. "Okay so let me get this straight, it comes out form what ever for like a year. And then what? It goes back to hibernation?" Eddie asked.

"Maybe's it's like...what do you call it?" Stan paused and looked for answers but didn't find it so I finished for him.

"It's like cicadas" I answered looking back at Stan nodding his head at me. "Yeah you know the bugs that comes out every 17 years".

"Yeah but not 27..." everyone looks over at me I saw mike like he was about to say something. "My grandfather thinks this town is cursed" mike exclaimed.

"Why?" I asked with a concerned looked making it's way on my face. "He says that all the bad things happen in this town because of one thing".

Mike tells me as he looks up to me squinting his eyes from the sun. "Oh" I say back with a surprised tone.

"And evil thing that feeds off people of derry" mike finished. Stan looks down at mike as he started to talk.

"But it can't be one thing" Stan said as he looks up at us all. "We all saw something different" Stan exclaimed.

"Maybe" mike answered Stan as we all sat quite.

                    ~ (Stan's P.O.V) ~
All the attention was on me we were talking about the missing kids and the tings we saw. "We all saw something different" I told the losers as they all look at me.

"Maybe" mike answered me.

"Oh maybe it knows what scares us and that's what we see" y/n said as i look up at her. As Eddie started we looked over at him.

"I-I-I saw a leper...it was like an walking infection" Eddie said as he was staring at the ground not making eye contact.

"But you didn't" I say as Eddie runs his head to me. "Because it isn't real...none of this is not Eddie's leper or-or bill seeing georgie or the woman I keep seeing" I stuttered panicking.

"she hot?" Richie asked adjusting his glasses smiling at me. I look up at him "no Richie she's not hot!" I shout at him.

"Her face is all messed up" I panicked again.
"None of this makes any sense" y/n said as i reply to her. "Exactly their all like bad dreams" I said.
                       ~ (Mike's P.O.V) ~
Exactly their all like bad dreams" Stan said. I look up at him and answered him."I don't think so I know the difference between a bad dream and real life, okay?".

It was like I was angry I was gonna go off but I didn't. "What'd you see see?" Eddie asked me as I look over to him.

"Yeah you saw something too?" Y/n asked. "Yes" I replied to y/n's comment seeming a little down by it.

"You guys know that burned down house on Harris avenue?" I told them as I look up none of them answered.

"I was inside when it burned down....before I was rescued my mom and dad were trapped in the next room over me. They were pushing and pounding on the door".

I started to get flashbacks of my mom screaming. "Trying to get to me" I could hear my dad yell "hurry son!" To me as my mom scream "it burns!" .

"But it was too hot...when the fireman finally found them,the skin on their hand it had melted down to the bone"

I didn't say anything trying not to get to emotional about my parents. "We're all afraid something" I finished.

                     ~ (Richie's P.O.V) ~
Mike told us about his parents and the fire. I kinda felt bad for him but I didn't show it on the outside.

"We're all afraid something" he said as I turn around "got that right" I said looking back at the clown.

"Why Richie what are you afraid of?" Eddie asked me as I turn around looking down. "Clowns..." I adjusted my glasses on my face so they won't fall off.

"We have to find a way to find this thing and stop it" y/n said as she was beside me.

"H-h-how?" Bill asked as we all look over to y/n. "Ben has a slide of old derry maybe we tomorrow we can put the map up to find out where it is" y/n demanded.

"M-m-my house tomorrow at 3pm" bill said. We all left me and y/n biked home.


It was now night time and I went to confront y/n what Beverly told me. "Y/n" I say as I walk I to her room.

"Yeah" she say looking over at me as she was by her dresser. "I know" I said with a smirk.

"You know what...?" She questioned with a confused look. "You and bill you guys kissed".

Y/n had wide eyes "how do you k ow who told you weren't you outside?" She said I chuckle a little.

"Yeah" I answered y/n was now confused at this point of how I knew. "Then how do you know?".

"Oh look it's bed time love you sis goodnight" I say as I leave. "Wait how do you know!" Y/n shouts at me but I ignored it.

You really think I was gonna dis Beverly out like that.

A/n: thank you guys for everything hope guys guys have a nice day/night love you guys <3

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