Ch1 : Moving in

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|| Picture above is Win and Teams new house||


Team and Win sang along as the song played in the car. Win had rented them a car for the trip, he had wanted to drive with Team to their new home but the savings they had kept aside for a vehicle was still not enough to get the car they had wanted to buy. So Win had rented one instead.

This was going to be their own house, no more living in a small rental apartment. Now that the construction and woodwork was over they could finally move in.
All their things and furniture was being bought to the location by the moving truck, it had left from their old town a few hours before them. Win and Team were bringing two suitcases with their clothes, a few boxes and some important kitchen appliances with them in the vehicle. Basic things like curtains and a few chairs were already there.

The song got over and Team groaned while turning the radio volume low "How long till we reach there Win?! My butt aches from sitting in the same position for so long" They had been driving for 6 hours. Though they had gotten down in the middle for food and to use the washroom, that had been hours ago!

Win put on a playful smile "Want to change your seat? You can sit on me if you want. You know to change your position" He patted his lap innocently, fully aware of the fact that he was pissing Team off. He had been going at him with his relentless flirting and cheesy pick up lines for the past hour.

"You do that once more Mr.Win and you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight."

Win smiled, enjoying his reaction "It's not like we haven't slept on the couch before. I won't mind doing it there again. Now that we got rid of our nosy neighbour we won't have to supress our moans when..."

Team's ears started getting red as Win continued to describe in great detail what they had been doing a few weeks ago. He quickly turned and around grabbed a magazine from the backseat, rolling it before he smacked Win on his head. "I. Will. Kill. You. P'Win" Team said between every blow on Win's shoulder.

"Aahhh-hahaha okay! Okay! Team sorry!! Sorry! Stop hitting me!" Win half begged - half laughed for his faen to stop.

Team stopped hitting him but kept the magazine on the dashboard, it was in his hands reach just incase he had the urge to smack Hia again.

Five minutes later Team spotted something outside the window "Hia! Hia! Hia stop the car." He tapped Win's shoulder eagerly. Win slowed down to a crawling speed but didn't stop "Pen Arai Team?"

Team turned to face him, looking at how his eyes we're shining, Win felt butterflies flutter in his stomach. "There" He pointed outside "There's an antique store outside. Win can we go there please na na na na na." Team had gripped his arm as was shaking it violently like a child asking for candy.

Win turned the car into the empty parking lot and parked it there. Team squealed in excitement and a smile automatically grew on Wins face. Sometimes he was thankful Team didn't know the affect he had on him, if he did then he would have Win dancing on his every command.

They got out of the car, Win tried to get a hold of Teams hand but he managed to run away before had the chance. The moment Win entered the store he knew they'd be spending quite time time in there. The place was beautiful and literally packed with things.

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