Ch7 : Normal?

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"Uncle what are you doing here?" Win asked when he saw the man walking infront of their house, Team stopped watering the plants and looked up. Last time uncle had taken his leave once the high priest had suggested coming to their house to investigate the problem.

The older man turned on hearing Win's voice. He looked from Win to Team a little surprised on seeing the couple "Oh, what are you both doing here?"

Win smiled walking towords the gate "We live here. What about you?"

"I came to visit my brother" The man motioned towords their neighbouring house.

"Uncle Anurak is your brother?" Win asked surprised. No wonder he thought he looked familiar.

"Chai. What about you both,how are you doing?" He looked at the both of them with a look that Team thought resembled....sadness?

"It's still there." He said finally.

Neither Win nor Team knew what response to give. What could they say? That things were better now? But were they really? They had only found a temporary block to the problem not a solution....

The man gave them a sympathetic smile "Don't worry, only time can tell what will happen. I have to go now. Be careful and stay safe"
The couple smiled but the man could see right through their facade. Before going he gave Win his number asking them to call if they needed help.

Seconds after the man left, they could hear Achara calling out to her husband to tell him that Tanawat had come.


Team was sitting on the sofa, working on his laptop when his phone rang, Win peeped out from the kitchen as the younger picked it up.


A second later he jerked the phone away and pressed a hand agaist his ear. Win chuckled as he heard a familiar voice yelling from the other side. Team sent him a glare as Pharm continued yelling at him on the line.

He grinned wider and quickly sat next to a frowning Team as Pharm scolded the younger for not calling. "-after so many years of friendship?! If it wasn't for P'Win texting us we wouldn't even know if you were alive or not! When were you planning on telling me you had been admitted in the hospital?! I swear Team don't make me come there and beat your ass-"

"Oiii! Would you let me speak?" Team cut in knowing his friend would go on if not stopped "I'm sorry na Pharm. Things got busy here and I forgot-"

"YOU FORGOT? Ten days since you moved and you already FORGOT me?! Oh just you wait till Mannow gets on her lunch break Team, she's going to chew you alive!"

Win laughed at Team's misery, he was enjoying the look of defeat and terror on his faen's face. Unlike his boyfriend he had been texting Dean and their other friends. Team had been busy with his work and hadn't gotten time to do so, when he wasn't working he was being babied by Win who made sure that he was well rested. Win had texted them about Team's Hyperpyrexia last night.

"Baby give Team a break he just came back from the hospital" Dean's voice came from behind. There was silence for a few seconds before Pharm responded "...Fine"

"Thank you Dean!!" Team yelled into the device. Win laughed again but this time Team smacked his knee and gave him a warning look. Win stuck his tongue out like a child making the younger roll his eyes.

"Anyways, how are things going there? Did you make any friends? How's the house?" Pharm started throwing questions at him.

Team looked at Win who shook his head saying he hadn't told them about the haunting nor the box.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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