2.) Few (amazing) weeks later.

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I wake up from my slumber. I smile as my memories of yesterday and last night flood back too me like the first rainfall in the desert. Like happines re-entering my body. I get up and look at my calender and see nothing so I grab my glasses off the night stand by my bed and look again. I start school next weeks. I go down stairs in my boxers and glasses. i gra a bowle from the cupbord alng with the cerel and milk. 

I grab my spoon and head to the table as I see my my walk in looking ready for work. She takes the seat by me and grabs the magizine that was on the island. I'm the first to break the silance,"So mom do you know what school i'm going to?" I ask she looks up from her article.

"Umm...I think it's Pinecrest High or Pearlview High. I know it's one of the to because the letters were PHS." I smile in response. I finish my breakfast and wash my bowel. My mom hugs me and leaves for work. I go upstairs and hear my phone go off as I'm about to hop in the shower to wake my muscles. I go over where it was charging on my dresser. It was a text from Louis,"Hey, i'm back in town from that short trip i told you about you free to just hang :?" 

"I'm about to hop in the shower i'll think about it i'll text when i'm out." I grab my towel and head in the shower. I let the steam calm my soul and the water to relax my muscels. I wash my hair and body and get out. I dry off. I text Louis back telling him to come pick me up. I gel my hair and put on my usal atier. 

I go down stairs and wait. It wasn't long until he drove up. I grabed my phone and walked outside and got in. 

We drive a little until we get to this big willow in the middle of nowhere. He gets out and I follow. He lays down in the grass right under the willow in the middle of nowhere. He looks up in the sky and pats the spot by him. I walk over and lay down right beside him. 

"This is beautiful," I say,"but the night is......"

"So much better?" He asks looking me straight in the eyes pircing my soul. I nod in response gosh he's beautiful. I bit my lip. I want to say something but i'm afraied it'll be stupid. "What?" He asks laughing a little. I shrug because I honetly don't know. He sigh right in my face. 

I want to tell him he's such a dork but I can't but  i try,"Your su-" I'm cut off by him placeing his lips on mine. I don't refues. I kiss back our lips move in perfect sync. I melt into his touch while our lips say hello as if it's the first time. I hum into the kiss this is perfect blis the way this just happened. We pull away and his eyes that seemed to sparkle everytime I look seem to sparkle just a little more. 

"Marcle," He begins,"I can't wait for school now. Speaking of which what school are you going to?" He asks.

I think for a minute. i remember my conversation with my mom over breakfast." I think Peralveiw High" I say. He frowns. "What's wrong? 

He looks away oviusly upset. "Nothing just that that school is on the oppisite side of town and not my school. We'll never see each other except on the weekend. What if my moms right and this...is just a summer fling." I huffs upset. Well by his reaction I can tell he really likes me. 

I roll over the cool grass under us and rub his shoulder. "Louis I really like you to these past few weeks have been amazing. But what if I did go to your school how would that change you said it yourself your the most popular guy in school. And as for when it comes to school I keep my head low and grades up. I like not being noticed and you love it.  Nothing's going to change for either of us. We could sit by each other in class and unable to do anyhting because i'll be too focused on work and teachers favorite. i-i" and I can't hold it in I start blubbering like a baby. He turns around and holds me while I start blubbering like an idiot. He strokes my hair and rubbs my back whispering in my ear,"everything's going to be just fine just fine just fine........

He takes me back to my house and I lay in bed. What if I was wrong and do go to his school. What ever school that maybe. What if I don't. What if this is just a one time thing. What if before I could finish that thought I run to our nearest bathroom and vomit. I don't how long i'm in there vomitting on and off but soon my mom's in there with me telling me to calm down it's just stress. 

The week goes by and i haven't heard a word from Louis. I've been too scared to talk to him. I know it would break my heart to hear from him knowing the chances of us going to the same school or not. I cry a little just thinking about it I can only imagine how he feels worse I guess. 

Before I know it it's Sunday and I have my first day of school tomorrow. Summer break is over and my geuss so are Louis and I. I don't even want to go to school tomorrow knowint that there is a chance Louis won't be there.  I go down stairs for dinner the thought still burning my soul. 

I grad some food from the fridge and am about to eat when my mom tops me,"Oh honey your going to Pinecrest High i already set you GPS for tomorrow. I wonder if Louis goes to that school." She says. And I can feel the stress weld in my stomach and try to escape my mouth. What if he dose, what if he doesn't what if!

Hey okay well short I know but happy Easter everyone I hope you enjoied it. don't forget to comment share and vote

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