6.) Party time hook up?

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So let's try this again I wrote this and hand over 2000 words. It said saving the whole time. I leave to open a new tab to try and find a word and I come back to it blank. I wanted to cry. So lets take two. 

I get home and text Annabelle a picture of my tutoring schedule. She sends back hundreds of emoji's that express joy. Typical white girl. Catlin tells me that she's going to pick me up for the party. I head in my tiny bathroom and get a shower. As the water droplets hit the yellow tile i think of the rain that would keep me from making friends. I couldn't go outside in the rain and play with the other kids so i stayed & read. And now i'm some kind of smarty pants. 

After washing and rinsing my everything I get out of the shower and dry off.  I look at the cloudy mist my shower created and at the smudges left behind from summer break by Louis. It reads, "If I was a car, I'd fly away." It has no meaning yet meant everything at once. It was what he would tell himself as a kid when times got tough. It became our life motto. 

I look at my phone and it's Catlin. "I'm picking you up." "I hope he's not there." "Do you think James is going to be with the stoner group or the male slut group?" "I think he's taking Annabelle" "Gosh your shower is long today." "I'm coming over around seven and i'm taking you." "Are you out yet?" And that was the last she sent I got it right after I finished reading the one before that one. I send a yes and soon seven comes and Catlin is at my door. I let her in as she admires my place. 

Catlin is in a very sexual outfit. She has on; fishnet tights, combat boots, a tank top, a very pushy push-up bra, and make up. Her hair is in a ponytail. That to me says, "I swallow" SO I think she's good to night if that's her idea of a good time. I on the other hand ditched the glasses, have in contacts because i'm lazy and forgot where I put my glasses before my shower. I have a white t-shirt, open plaid shirt, skinny jeans, hair down no gel because I ran out. i made a mental note to get some tomorrow.

She compliments my look and take me by my arm. As get her phone from her small shorts. I honestly didn't realize she was wearing any because of how short her shorts are. She take my arm and we head for her car. The party is two hours away. To say we live in a big town would be an understatement. The party is in the lesser part of town. Here you can see the house's wither away and the trees fall apart. It smells of gasoline, alcohol, and poverty. I never knew how good I had it. I get a cigarette from Catlin's glove box and light one up. I feel like Catlin won't want to leave soon so I steal the box. 

We get to the party that started and hour ago and already people are passed out on the cold wet lawn. I see couples making out against any thing perpendicular to the ground, or floor. We get inside and The defining music we heard outside amplifies when we enter. People are literally everywhere pushing, squeezing and making out this is school with less closes and a thicker smell of self loathing. Catlin is quick to leave my side and I am alone. I see people drinking, dancing, groping, smoking and having a good time? I head to the kitchen where I assume the drinks are. I get a blue cup and pour a can of beer in. I take a sip and walk around the party. I see Annabelle with a bunch of guy "friends"? I see James hitting on anything with legs.(I think I saw him hit on a cock roach.)Yeah I think he went with the stoner group.

The strobe lights make seeing anything hard to do. I walk around and from what i can see girls are checking out and liking what they see. New look more girls look at you. This is helping my decision of never looking like this again. I feel like the lost member of a boy-band. 

I take a sip of my beer as I walk around. Drinking beer seems so natural to me. Yet on a normal day I wouldn't do it. As I drink  more, the more the drinks intoxication affects me. Soon i can hardly put one leg in front of the other and my words slow. I can think straight, but I feel like i'm watching this happen rather then live it. I find a seat on the steps and sit there until one of my ,hopefully sober, friends picks me up. 

I look over to the couch and see Eleanor standing in front of a guy. The lights flicker and she is on her knees. No one blinks an eye and some even watches. 

This is a party out of a movie. It's not long until Louis finds me. He's a little tipsy, and stumbles on his words a little. But he doesn't recognize me. He sit's by me and whispers ,"Hey wanna go a little quite?" Obviously drunk I agree. My drunken state dose not affect me much but i'm still affected. We wobble outside across the street. The music is still heard booming in front of us but not as much. At least now you can kinda think and hear yourself. 

We sit quietly. I can't help but imagine how easy it was to tell him anything. And how now it's so hard to utter a single syllable. True part of it is the beer but the rest is just me. But, now even though we're not saying anything I still feel comfortable. 

Louis soon breaks the silence, "So what brings you to a place like this?" He says as he looks up at me. His solid blue eyes are glossy and kinda drunk. I shrug my shoulders. We stare at each other and I get lost in his beauty. It's like we're back at the river. The first time he touched me and I didn't know him. I feel so at peace in this moment. 

He leans in for a kiss and I go to close it. But our lost love to reunite is cut short. Soon a noise louder then the music is heard knocking us both out of our drunk state. *BANG* *BANG* 

Two loud gun shots are heard and we both look in the direction of the party as we see a tall, well built, man shooting into the party and people panicking. Louis grabs my arm and tells me,"We have to get out of here that's my dad." I'm too scared for my life to acknowledge the feeling his hand in mine is creating. Pure bliss in a fear stricken body. 

Louis and I dash out of there. I don't know where we're running to but everything makes sense when we get there. I look around and even at night I still know, very well, where we are. Louis  sits on the ground and brings his  knees to his chest. He mumbles i'm sorry over and over. I sit beside him and just wait for him to finish. I put my head on his shoulder and soon enough his sorry's stop. "So i take it you forgive me?" I smile. 

And what happens next took a while but was also long over due. That kiss happened. It felt like pure euphoria. We split from the kiss, but to en eval Louis is back at it again. "Listen i'm sorry but this can't happen someone still has my heart." 

My heart flutters knowing he still cares. "But the little fucker wants no part with me. I gave him everything!" He says in an almost yell. i am taken back by his change of tone. He continues and the more he talks the more I anticipate Annabelle's part two. "Like he was my everything and when I realized that we could be together he was against the idea. I thought he loved me, jerk couldn't give two sh*ts." The rest is just Louis being one hundred percent against his previous argument of loving me and taking as many jabs at me has he can. He went from "he is my world" to "he can step on a lego and I would laugh so hard and push him on his face for hurting me." Basically blaming everything on me. So I leave. I just walk away. i let him rant to the trees we once called ours. What a jerk. 

Doesn't even know how take responsibility for his actions. He stopped texting, stopped responding, and cut me out of his life. I just wanted us and he's blaming me? I walk a back to the party and everyone's gone. I find Catlin in her car. She's not in the same spot so she most of moved it. I get there and she's super sober. I get in the passenger seat and tell Annabelle to fill me in on whatever plan two is so far. 

I smirk as I read it off. This is going to be good. 

Sorry for not updating like I promised I hope you like this chapter. I am writing other stuff I hope you can find the time to try and enjoy my other stuff. That would be a huge appreceation. Don't forget to like and comment, that tells me you like it. QOTD: How you liking it so far? let me know in the comments below. Love you all bye. Like comment and share you are all beautiful. 

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