4.) Summer what?

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Soon enough it was the weekend. I call Catlin, James and Annabelle over to hang out. This Louis thing has really be bothering me. And I wan't to talk to them about it and get off my chest. I'm sitting on my front porch when t hey finally arrive. I bring them inside and lead them upstairs to my room.

We sit on my bad and Catlin was the first to speak,"So, what's this abou tLouis you want to talk about?" I don't think i can say it with out crying he hurt me.

"It was over the summer. He was the first person I met in town. We hung out, alot, and stuff happend I thought we were a thing. That we might of actually had something. That it wa all real. But none of it was real. I realize that now. It was a lie right to my face, to my heart. I miss how he would hold me. How his hand felt in mine, how his sweet kisses sent shivers down my spin. The sweet morning texts and the sweet night texts. I miss how he would always wait until I was safe inside until he would leave. I miss how he would cuddle up to me like a kola bear. His jokes smiles, laugh, and sass." I say. I look at my friends who sit in silance by me I can only imagine what they're thinking.

Annebelle is te first to speak,"But I thought him and Eleanor were....like a thing....?" Who he must of already found somone whos not me. Whatever. James shakes his head in response.

"No they're just friends I know because i've asked her." He says and Catlin and Annabelle look confused. Good job Marcel first week in school and you've already maneged to get yourself in to the school drama. Why can't life be normal?

"James when did you ask her?" Catlin asks.

He blushes a deep red,"Well...I may....or may not of got a blow job from her." He bites his lip and I try to keep from laughing I don't know why.

"Anyway you guys" i say "I really like him but now i'm confused."

Annabelle rubbs my knee slowly calming me,"Don't be Marcie, I've got a plan. First are you a nerd, or in anyway super smart." I look down at my attair and then bak uo at her.

"Ummm....Y-yea i'm pretty sure i'm both." I say truthfully.She claspesed her hands together in glee.

"Great! I hear Louis faild one of his classes last year and is repeating it this year. You get all smartied up to your teachers we help him fail and step one complete." James and Catlin nod in excitment understanding but i'm lost.

"What Annabelle is saying," Catlin begins,"Is that we need you to become his totur if you can manege that then we will tell you step two and so on until the whole plan is over. It's how Annabelle works"

I nod still confused. I just am at a lost for words. New school, new drama.

The weekend was long and slow. Soon Monday came. I went to all my teachers before hand to get all the imformation i need to be a totur. I trust them enough that if they have a plan i'll go through wiht it if I can help. He hurt me so it's time for us to hurt him!!

*Louis' Pov*

I sit just waiting for Eleanor to come over. This whole thing was my fault I hate it. He was my sweet nerd princess and I was his reble king. He was adorable and so innocent and then there's me the one who hurt him. If I didn't hurt him maybe when we were in the rstroom he would of said that stuff gosh this reall hurts!!!

Soon enough Eleanor shows up. I was lucky it's Monday the only day she shows up early. "Hey lou what up, well, what's wrong." I shake my head. Which i soon regret by her hitting me upside the head hard.

"OI!" I say in pain.

"You called me remember?" She says.

"Ok so there was this guy he was perfect. We hung out over summer ever watched The Notebook in the rain while eating pasta. We texted 24/7 none stop. He was smart and knew what to say when." I say as I stop to let the tears fal from my cheecks. This pain is not right i'm rock ad rool not soft and fluffy. "I really like him but he didn't know what school he was going to next year and got all scared and he got worried what would happen if he went here which he did and like got worried about if he went he got worried basically and like i didn't know what to do because he was scared and i didn't want him to be scared i wanted him to be in a state of mind where everything is okay and life is perfect. I ended it which hurt me but i thought it would help him because he wouldn't have to be in that kind of mind set." I say truthfully Eleanor nods in understandment.

"I don't know what to tell you. If you really like him try and get back together explain everything something might help. Is he smart?" I nod and throw my hand over my mouth to hide my smile and nod enthuiasticlly trying not to blish he is REALLY smart in everyway about everything.

I really miss him. I would do anything. I then get an idea!! I grab Eleanor's arms in excitment.

"What?" She asks as she tries to pry my arm off of hers. Let's have a praty you know the one were always talking about that one. And i'll have someone invite him.

"How about you invite him?" She says. But i'm not sure me? I doubt he'll talk to me. I'm scared if he dose i'll lose my chill and squeal like a little girl and like stuff but maybe that would be worth it to be with him again.

The day is like any other long and boring day. But yet the excitment has just begun when..........

"When........" When what? keep reading to find out what. don't forget to share vote and comment what you think.

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