"5.) This is gospel...But i'm not okay.

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( @Panda-1357 This chapter is dedicated to my best friend Grace. Because she ships Larry and sometimes i feel as if she ships them more than I do LOL.)

I thought the weirdest thing about my summer fling is that it would be like a Nicholas Sparks movie where it would turn out not to be just that and we would run into each others arms realizing we're meant to be forever each others. Just me and Marcel. Us forever.

But that's the thing, this is real life not a movie that you have to leave as soon as the credits roll because your sobbing so much. I walk out of class to "go to the restroom". But that was a bold face lie. Marcel was in that class because of some weird schedule today. I can't stand being in that classroom for one more second. He's all school and smarts and happy. Why can't i be happy with him?

I leave that dumb class and go to where I know Eleanor, Niall and, Liam would be. I walk outside to the back, back of the school. Behind the school is the football (UK) field. I see Niall with his head on Liam's lap as Liam use's one hand to mess with his hair softly while the other had a cigarette. I walk over to the bench and sit down. With my arms on my knees i rest my head in my hands.

I feel a small hand on my shoulder. I glace over, with my head still in my hands, to see it was only Eleanor. I fake the best ,"Oh! Hello." I smile as I best i can. She clearly didn't buy it. She kneels down beside me.

She speaks soft and slow,"Louis is everything okay? You seem frazzled." I shake her off. It's true I do feel frazzled it's just I messed up. I always mess up. Like my dad says,"Louis! You, *Language not allowed for wattpad* For once can't you listen rather than breaking everything you touch." I shiver as his words replay in my head.

"Are you sure you don't seem like it..." She trails off to look beyond me to see Niall playing with Liams fingers. She looks down understanding in her eyes. "Is it your dad?" She asks. I nod in response. While he's not my only problem he is, and always will be, a problem in my life. Niall  jumps up at hearing the topic we we're on to comfort me. I just let my head hang low an try to forget about it all. I just hate how everything seems to go the way it dose in my life. 

I bet Marcel doesn't have these problems or any problems that is. Niall rubs his hand in a circle on my back. But like always his attempts to help fail by Liam saying,"Aye! Niall he should be fine right? I hate seeing him like this" he whispers but i can still hear. It hurts is all i can think. 

The bell rings and i decide to ditch. My dad is coming home today I didn't remember until Eleanor reminded me by asking if it was him. I go to the top of the bleachers and put in my music. I put in y headphones and quickly slip into a dream. 

*Marcel's POV* 

 I walk with Catlin out of the gym as our class heads outside for the period. We had a chose ,everything i don't want to do, or "social health". You can guess which me and Catlin chose. We sit almost to the top.  We begin talking. "So Catlin did you hear about that party?" I ask. I've heard everything about it no one will shut up about it. 

She nods her head. Yea she knew. "Marcie we should go." She says with glossy eyes the size of the moon. I shurg in defeat and she squeals. She gets her phone out and plays the instrumental version of "The man who can't be moved" and I ,being that i'm in love with that song,  sing every line. When the song ends is when i regret everything. 

I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I want to turn around but i can't. I then feel their hot breath against my ear. "You sing good." And with my eyes shut tight scared of it being Louis. I hear his footsteps walk past me and away from me. I look at Catlin and she nods her head it was him. 

"He's.... just forget about him ok?" I nod. "Did you talk to your teachers and such?" She asks enthusiastically. I nod my head in response. "Perfect" she exclaims. 

We get to our next class as fast as we can. And as soon as the bell rings. I go to my teacher and get my tutoring schdule. This was step one. I sit in the back and listen and learn like i'm made to. But i just can't help but feel like maybe for once i can not listen and just think. 

I lose myself in a day dream. This never happens i'm usually so focused but that damn boy. He's destracted me he's changed me. I guess i'm no longer a  robot like i though i was but rather a real boy. With feelings. But he's so and i'm just. 

I prop my elbow on my desk and rest my head on my hand and close eyes. Letting the dream take over me and see where it goes. 

I see louis and i. We're back at the tree. Oh how he loved that tree. I glance down and he's laying down with his head on my stomach going on and on about how i make him happy. I giggle and look away. I can faintly see that river where we met. He notices i'm destracted and steals my glasses. I give him a goffy look and he just give me a beautiful smile with those gourgious teeth of his. I laugh at him and how silly he looks even though my vision is now horrible because i can't see. 

He then out of nowhere stands up and hands me my glasses. I feel cold where his head once was. He looks out to the opening of the little place we call ours. He give me one last look before he jogs away. I stand up and try to stop him but he's gone too far too fast. And i see him far from me. Jogging not stop one leg in front of the other. 

I try to chase after him calling his name. He dosen't flinch he just countinues on. The trees and things that were once around me seem to stop as I run. They turn a weird blue and yellow color. I feel a harsh soft breeze blow and everything goes away as if it was never there. I fall to my knees and begg who's ever listening to bring him back. I feel tears trickle down my face as I scream ,"Louis"  I shout. "Louis i still love you Louis and those nights we spent." I say as my whales turn to silent sobbs as I curl in on my self on this floor. I shake vilently and tears rush shout like a water fall finally aloud to spring. I soon realize that my shakes were from outside the dream and I wake up. It was the end of class and I had to go. 

I have to leave.

Hey so i'm writing this at school sorry i haven't updated in a very long time. Trust me that will change. Let me know in the comments what you think of Louis' dad from that flash back. You will be hearing a lot more of him in this story. What about that dream Marcel had? Let me know any ideas. Vote comment and ill update when i can loves.

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