3.) First day of school

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I wake up and already don't want to be a wake. It's Monday. I turn my alarm clock off. It was screaming in my ear to wake up. I get in the shower and go through day. I'm about to leave when I see a not on the fridge as I grab a banana. "Marcle, here is you locer, your combo, and schedule had to leave early have fun make friends"

I go to my car and listen to the GPS as it tells me where to go to get to my first day of school senior year. I'm so scared. I get there and it's a typicaal high school. I go and and head straight to my homeroom. I sit down and try to talk to no one. Three people come up to me. They seem friendly. 

The first one a girl she has carmel brown hair with blonde tips she speaks,"Hey! i'm Catlin what's your name." Her voice is soft and kind like Louis'. 

I reach my hand out to shake hers,"Marcel." I reply. The next is a guy he is tall and fit his hair is purple and clothes are black also like Louis',"I'm James nice to meet you Marcel." He says his hand shake is firm and caring. Lastly is a girl who is a beautiful ginger if i didn't know I was gay I would probly date she IS beautiful. "I'm Annabelle" She says. They take my schedule and pass it around amoung each other. They all have the same schedule as me which makes me not as scared of any of my classes no because I know ateast three people. Well all but World History my last class of the day. That class i'm now tarrified of but it's my favorite subject so what could go wrong. 

I  hate that I might not see Louis. I wish I could just for a little while. I hear Annabelle say that they have a little while before class and stuff. "Are we early?" I ask. James nods in response. We walk around the halls. They're halarious and awesome i'm glad i made friends on my frist day. I can't help but think about Louis. 

We get to a hallway and a group of people are already there. "Those.." Annabelle says pointing to the group of people,"Are the leathers the most popular guys in school and the hottest guys in school. there are only three  were four but Zayn got tired of being popular so he went to a different school the others felt betryed." (I'm sorry i thought it would be funny to fit that in here you don't like it sew me) I could only see two guys. One with brown hair and the tops of if blonde as if dyed. Another with just brown hair. 

"I only see two people" I say. James looks at me.

"That's because the leader whne there talking is usally leaning aginst his locker while they talk I dunno why." 

"Who are those two that I can see?" 

"Niall and Liam" i nod in response. 

The day goes by fast and soon it's lunch. I sit down with my food Catlin and Annabelle are talking about this whole 'Zayn thing' "Maybe he'll comeback" Says Catlin. "Maybe he won't" replies Annabelle. I chime in ,"You guys maybe he'll go on the X-factor and get put in a boyband and after four years do the same thing and leave to work with Naughty Boy" i say as I sip my milk. We all brust out laughing. The chance of that ever happening are the as the chances of me seeing Louis. 

James finally speaks,"Ok you guys know the sauseage game thing?" He asks and we all nod. "Wel i'm bored" I start it off.

" 'Erbody say sauseage keep it going! Eggs Bacn Gritt SAUSEAGE" 

Annabelle:"I'm not a hoe but I love SAUSEAGE"

Catlin:"I got big boobs but I still get SAUSEAGE"

James:" I like girls but I don't mind some SAUSEAGE"

It get to my turn when I'm inttrupted. By who i'm geussing were Niall and Liam together they say,"YOU LIKE BOYS BUT YOU CAN'T GET SAUSEAGE" they say as the dump their lunches all over me. As I wipe the milk from my glasses I hear some one laugh asking who they got and good job. i sware it was my imagination but it sounds like Louis. The two are still laughing like hyenia's and my friends sit tere in pure shock. I look up after puttin gmy glasses on only to met by laughing Louis! Yes Louis. Once he sees it's me those his laugh quickley stops. 

"Liam, Niall! Stop! go to our table and shut up!!!" They listen and run away. He mouthes, "Sorry for this. And this" then he actually talks,"Huh! Nerd! you going to sadly Masterbate in the boys restroom" He says with a smirk and wink. I'm confused but he walks away. 

"Welcome to Pincrest," Catlin says as he tries to wipe the food off of me. She is so nice. James is paceing the girls restroom as the girls help me out. "Did you see his reaction" James asks.

"Yea what about it?" Asks Annnabelle. "Well," he begins,"He looked right at me what if today was the day he realizes he's gay and finally saw the love of his life ME!" He exclaims. I chuckel a little. 

"Before you ask" Annabelle says,"This is normal. James here is opsessed with the 'King of the straight squad.' Louis."  He'll have a better chance then me it was just a summer thing. And I was right at the same school most popular and the nerd.  King of everyone. Queen of homework. Soon they leave and i have a few minutes before class. I sit against the wall and text Louis. I'm done being scared it's time for some answers. 

"Louis hey I saw you did you see me? My friends tell me your straight around here so i geuss that kiss was for nothing. It ment everything to me I geuss it ment nothing to you. I thought ignoring me for the rest of summer hurt but no knowing it was all for nothing and ment nothing to you is what hurt. Thanks for nothing. Great no i'm crying." I sent it as I wiped away my tears. I get up and try to put my phone in my locer before class when Louis comes up to me. He grabs my hips but his phone goes off and he checks it. As I just ignore him. He then open his locker.

"Great" he mumbles. "Your lockers by mine and I can't love you" he countinues to mumble. I slam my locker and walk away. But not fast enough he grabs my hand and spins me around,"Wait talk to me." He pulls me into the near by boys restroom and locks the door. 

I drag my hand through my hair in frustration. "So now you want to talk?" I ask confused."You see you didn't want to talk after I thought we were going to two seperate schools. I thought you thought we were done you said nothing and drove me home. You didn't even text I thought this was over But now that the situation is our reality you want to talk about it and figure something out when we could of then to get out of this situation no! louis! No!" 

He stops pacing a hole in the floor and looks at me. He walks toward me and pushes me against the wall. "I was scared everyne I love leaves me to die and i'm always alone. I thought there was nothing to talk about because I thought i would never see you again because that always happens. I thought about what if it's here but got scared you would find someone better." I don't know if I should believe him but he tries to kiss me.

I unlock the door and get out of the way,"I don't kiss straight boys" i say and leave. I don't want him to kiss me because he might just dis me again. 

Soon the end of the day comes and i thake my usal seat in the back. I sit down and get my books out. I wish Catlin, Annabelle, or James could be here I feel alone.ten minutes into class the door opens. And Louis walks in. And of course the only empty seat is right beside me. FUN! I think sarcasticly. As he walks down the asile of females the prectically die. One girl stops him I hear her whisper,"Lou have you been crying?" He shake his head and sits down by me. With our hands under our desk he tries to reach for mine but I move my hands to the top of the desk. 

Yea I know weird posting on the same day but i really want to get it out comment vote and share!!!!

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