006 : good morning sunshine

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[ 7 loch nora drive  : 2:27 pm ]

「eloise's POV」

TWELVE HOURS LATER, i woke up with a pounding headache and a warm body next to me. during the night we had sleepily moved to the couch. sometime after that, steve had turned to lay on his stomach and his arm was draped over my torso lazily, light snores escaping his lips. i smiled softly at him, lifting his arm gingerly and sliding out from under it.

i trudged to the kitchen, nursing my headache. i grabbed advil from the cabinet, swallowing them down with a glass of water. i put two advil and a glass of water on the counter for steve, writing him a quick note that read; these are for you. in the shower -el :) .

i stood in the hot water for a long time, trying to recall the events of last night; my dark hair sticking to my face and my fingers turning pruny.

i remembered getting ready and arriving at the party. i could remember talking to jonathan for a second and then seeing billy. everything after that was a bit of a blur.

i think a keg stand was thrown in the mix somewhere and i recalled standing in a shower by myself, for some reason. i could remember steve coming over and eating spaghetti.

i shut my eyes tightly, trying to recall something else- something important, i could feel it.


i could remember yelling at him, something about having a good time, which seemed out of the ordinary, since we aren't exactly best friends.

i brushed it off, not giving it much thought.

about an hour later, after my much needed, hot shower, i pulled on some denim shorts and a black beatles sweatshirt, blow drying my hair quickly.

i made my way back downstairs, rather hungry at this point. as i entered the kitchen, i was met by a groggy steve sitting at the counter with his head resting on his palms, his hair sticking up in all different directions.

"good morning sunshine" i joked with a light chuckle, opening the fridge. he groaned in response, running his fingers through his already messy hair. i poured him a glass of orange juice, which he drank quickly, probably feeling dehydrated.

i reached under the counter to grab the waffle maker, getting the other ingredients out. i turned on a mixtape of forties, fifties, and sixties music as i worked methodically, humming along.

i plated the waffles for steve, walking around the counter to hand him the plate. "thanks" he said, immediately shoving food into his mouth. "sure." i replied, pulling my hair up into a ponytail.

i stepped back to the waffle maker, feeling steve's eyes glued to my back. "what?" i asked him, shifting under his intense gaze.

"what's that?" he asked with his mouth full, pointing his fork in my direction. i raised my brows, turning to look behind me. "no, on your neck- " he replied, causing me to furrow my brows.

he got up and walked around the counter, staring at my neck.

he poked just below my ear, and i winced slightly at the feeling. he tilted my head away from him, studying the spot.

"who the hell gave you a hickey?" he asked, seeming kind of impressed.

i shrugged before my eyes widened in realization, now fully aware of what happened last night.

"ah shit."

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