Chapter 11

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I was waiting at the gate to the park for the school group to show up. I knew I would meet most of the chaperones first and it was a group of 20 kids and there was no way I was going to remember all of their names. I was fiddling with my charm bracelet since I hadn't heard from Chris since yesterday and I was getting upset but I wasn't let it worry me too much, we were okay....we had to be. I smiled when I saw a lady walking towards me and she was smiling at me I had my name tag on and left the workers outfit on today which was yellow polo shirt and blue jeans and my name tag.

"Isabelle?" The lady asked and I nodded.

"Belle would be fine." I said and she smiled.

"That's pretty ironic isn't it?" She asked and I nodded with a smile. I had that heard before and she wouldn't be the last. She then got the groups attentions.

"Students! Chaperones! This is Belle she will be our guide for today." She said and I smile at the students.

"Nice to meet you all. Now with there being so many of you I unfortunately won't be able to learn all of your names but if you have any questions or ride suggestions please just ask and I will see what we can do." I said and everyone nodded.

"Okay so I am Megan, the drama teacher of these crazy kids. They know me as Mrs. Miller. I will get the kids settled if you would like to meet all of the chaperones." She said and I nodded and head to the back of the group at all the chaperones.

"Hey, like Megan said I am Belle the guide. I just wanted to come back and meet all of you." I said to the 4 adults in front of me.

"It nice to meet you. I am Michael." One dad said and extended his hand.

"George." The other dad said and I smiled and shook his hand.

"Noel." A mom said.

"Kelly." The other said and smiled.

"Nice to meet all of you." I said.

"You work at Disney long?" George asked.

"10 years, since I was 20 so yeah I would say so." I said and we all laughed. I saw Megan motioning for me to the front of the group.

"Excuse me." I said and walked to the front of the group.

"Are we ready?" I asked and she nodded.

"Okay guys listen up!" I said loud enough to the group, they all listened.

"So I was sent a list of what rides you guys said you wanted to do and I have decided we will go off that list today as much as we can." I said and they all smiled and nodded. We started off going through the park and going on rides. I didn't ride with them like I did when I was the guide with the Evans and that was perfectly fine with me. As I was standing off to the side one of the chaperones, George came up to me.

"So, Disney for 10 years. I bet you have met some interesting people." He said and I gave a small laugh.

"Oh yeah, we can't say who due to privacy but yeah some." I said and he smiled.

"So I take it you have helped a lot of famous people? I mean I only ask because when Megan talked to your boss Kyle he said you were the best guide and helped a lot of VIPs." George said and I nodded.

"Yeah I have. Like I said I can't say who most recently but it was family and they were so amazing." I said smiling thinking of the Evans.

"Do you ever stay in touch with them?" George asked and I shrugged.

"Some want to keep in touch just to see if I am ever able when they plan on coming back to the park." I said and he nodded.

"You ever dated or thought about dating any of the celebrities you have assisted?" George asked. I looked at him oddly.

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