Chapter 20

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*****CHRIS POV*****

After Belle left I went back into the bedroom and got ready for bed. As I laid down her perfume lingered on the bed and I smiled. It was almost like she was here but she wasn't. I drifted to sleep holding on to the pillow she had laid on. I then woke up abruptly and looked around. I was in my room but something felt off.

"Well you really screwed this up didn't you?" I heard a voice say and I turned and saw Grandpa Dale sitting in a chair in the corner of my bedroom.

"Grandpa?" I asked in shock and he smiled at me.

"Hey Chris." Grandpa said.

"This can't be real." I said and he laughed.

"Of course it's not. It's a dream Chris." Grandpa said and I sighed.

"Must be wondering why I am here..."Grandpa said and I huffed a laugh and shook my head.

"I have a pretty good idea." I said and Grandpa nodded.

"You told me you would take care of her heart Chris. You were supposed to piece it back together after I was gone and then take care of her." Grandpa said and I nodded.

"I know and I did that....for a while." I said. There was no point in lying to this man even if it was a dream.

"Remember the story I told you about me and her grandmother and made it sounds so perfect like a fairytale almost?" Grandpa asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"It wasn't. The whole thing of running away together yeah was true but 2 months after we were married she left me and went back to her parents. We had a fight and things were said. I lost her for a good 3 months. She wouldn't come home and she stayed with her parents. Thing was when I finally was able to see her and talk to her we fell back into love and the best rhythm we possibly could and our marriage was stronger than ever. What did you two fight about?" Grandpa asked and I sighed.

"Her leaving Disney and coming back to Boston to work in the museum. I thought she was coming back just for me because she didn't like us being apart." I said and Grandpa laughed.

"Chris, when will you learn that Belle will do whatever she wants? She never makes decisions based on other people's opinions." Grandpa explained and I just nodded.

"Chris she still needs you, she always will. She never moved on because even she knows it was always you." Grandpa said.

"I love her and I just want to be with her. Tonight we connected like we haven't in the past and she told me she loved me but I just don't know if she forgives me." Chris said.

"Chris in fear of repeating myself from before I died, you are an amazing young man. You are someone I always hoped Belle would find. Now I know things have already been rocky for the two of you and even to the point of breaking up but you are everything to her and she is everything to you. There will never be another person for you in the world like her. She fits with you Chris, I know you see it and she may not see it right now but make her see it. Tell her you aren't leaving her side anymore that no matter what you have to go through or work through that it is you two until the end. Eventually you will put her grandmothers ring on her finger and you will marry her and have some amazing children. Your lives are meant to be together and no where else." Grandpa said and I smiled at him.

"Chris, I just want you to know I love you and have since I met you. You are the best for Belle. You are the only one who puts up with her hardheaded stubbornness. Don't screw this up the second time though, she wont forgive you." Grandpa said.

"You sure she will forgive me now?" I asked and Grandpa nodded.

"For sure. I have it on good authority that she pretty much forgave you tonight. You guys just need to talk about life going forward and forget about anything in the past. Move life and love each other like there is no tomorrow." Grandpa said and I nodded.

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