Chapter 16

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2 weeks after I left Boston I hadn't heard from Chris but I did hear from the museum in Boston and I had the job. I was working out my two weeks and just working and getting my place packed up. Jules was coming down today to help me finish and start shipping things to my parents house who rented me a storage unit to get everything in for when I found a place. As I was leaving work my phone went off saying Chris posted something on his social media and I pulled it up seeing it was him playing piano and I smiled. I then check his profile and noticed his announcement of us being together was taken down and the video defending our relationship. I groaned as I got in my car and headed to the airport to pick Jules up. Once she got out to the car I smiled and hugged her.

"Hey! Thank you for coming. I need all the help I can get." I said and she smiled but looked at me oddly.

"Why isn't Chris coming down to help you? I would think he would be over the moon to help you move back home." Jules said as we left the airport and head to my place.

"Um...Chris and I...." I started to say and Jules sighed.

"Since when?" Jules asked.

"Since a few weeks ago when I was in Boston for the job interview and didn't tell anyone." I said and she groaned.

"You were in Boston and never said?!" Jules yelled.

"Yeah obviously! How did you think I interviewed for this job?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Video chat or something! Does mom know you never told her you were in Boston?" Jules asked and I shook my head.

"Chris only found out because his sister saw me at the museum. That led to a fight and I haven't talk to him since." I said and Jules sighed as I wiped away some stray tears.

"So did Chris say you were breaking up or is this maybe something else?" Jules asked.

"He said he would call me, he hasn't and I just checked his social media and he took down the announcement of us being together and the video defending our relationship." I said and Jules sighed and I groaned.

"Yeah, I know, doesn't look good." I said. The rest of the drive was in silence as we got to my place. I ordered in pizza and we started packing. While I took a break I went into my room and shut the door. I dialed the number I had found online and I knew this would be crossing a big line.

"This is Tara." She answered her phone and I sighed.

"Hey Tara, this is Isabelle Taylor, I don't now if you remember me..." I started to say.

"The guide from Disney that turned into Chris's girlfriend. Of course I remember you." Tara said. She didn't sound angry at me which I figured Chris would have turned everyone against me.

"Yeah, that's me. Um...I am going to be moving back to Boston next week and I was wondering if I gave you my price range if you could maybe find me a place?" I asked.

"Yeah of course. I would have thought you would have moved in with Chris if you ever moved back." Tara said and I sighed.

"Yeah, I don't think that's an option at the moment." I said and Tara seemed to understand but didn't say anything.

"Okay well email me your budget and I will see what I can find for you." Tara said.

"Thanks Tara. I owe you one, I know this is last minute." I said and she huffed a laugh.

"Trust me Belle, this is what I do. I will get you an amazing house at and amazing deal. Leave it all to me and don't stress." Tara said and I gave a happy sigh.

"Perfect, thank you." I said and hung up the phone. I checked my saving and had more than I realized. I had been saving for a house or wedding which ever came first since I was 16, I was a planner, plus my grandfathers will left me a nice chunk of money so I had that as well. I sent Tara an email of my budget and what I was looking for in a house. And then went back to the living room. I looked at Jules was looking at a couple of framed photos I had put up of Chris and I that I had forgotten to take down.

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