Escaping Jail- I Mean School

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Scene #1 Episode #2

She had no choice but to go out the window,she was scared

"When fear hits you, that's when you jump."

She jumped!


But when she landed she smelt something weird, she had landed in a dumpster.

She quickly climbed up and ran as far away as she could. As she was running, she noticed there were guards.

"Why does this school even have guards? It's not like a celebrity goes here, it's just a bunch of arrogant high schoolers."

She looked around, then something caught her eye

Alexandra sighed

"I am much braver than I appear to be."

She opened her backpack and took out an apple, then she threw her backpack over the fence. She looked around

" goes nothing."

She threw it at the window on the third floor!

"Who's there!?"

She quickly climbed the fence and jumped! She landed in the thorn bushes!

"Oww. Why is everything going wrong today?"

She made it out and started walking home.

But there was an old woman on the sidewalk who fell and couldn't reach her cane.

Alexandra ran back, helped the woman up, and gave her the cane

Old Lady:
"Oh thank you little girl."

"No problem."

Old Lady:
"Now little girl, if you don't mind,I don't live far.  Do you think you could help me back to my house?"

"I'm actually in a rush right now."

Old Lady:
"I don't live far...won't you help an old woman?"

"I just-

Old Lady:
"It's only a matter of a few minutes. Won't you help an old woman in need?"

"Ma'am, I'm busy but I can call someone for you. Do you have any sons or daughters that can pick you up?"

Old Woman:
"None that live close by. Are you too arrogant to take me?"

Alexandra's thoughts voiceover:
"Why is she so pushy?"

"Uhh. Ok, sure, I'll take you Mrs."

Old Lady:
"Oh please,call me Donna."

They started walking

Scene #2 Episode #2

They arrived at a house

"Would you like some milk or cookies?"

"Oh no, I really must be going."

"Oh nonsense,you deserve it. Helping an old lady you don't even know is a very kind act."

Alexandra mutters:
"When was I given a choice? You guilt tripped me to the core."

"Please...I insist. What's your name dear?"

"My name is Alexandra but I go by Alex. Or you could call me Diana. Some people call me A.D.U."

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