Episode 1: Young Kate Bishop

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The Avengers stared shocked at the screen at the news that some of them were dead when the show occured. Tears flowed down their cheeks as some tried to overcome the emotions that filled them.

"I know this must be very upsetting for you," the voice started, "which is why it is important that after this you think of ways you can change it. Change it so no one dies."

Everyone looked at eachother at this: they were given a second chance to make sure everyone stays alive.

"Before the show starts I have a newcomer."

With a flash, Kate Bishop appeared in the cinema. She landed on her butt and her face was twisted in an expression of confusion and wonder.

"Hello Kate. You are here from the beginning of where the show takes place at the end of the year 2024"

"Um what? Whats going on? Oh my god! It's the Avengers! Holy crap! Hawkeye! You are like my idol! This is crazy!" Kate talked excitely.

"Okay okay," the voice interupted as it started to explain what was going on.

As soon as Kate was informed, everyone sat down in their seats as Episode one began to play.

The scene started with the year 2012 shown in yellow letters above new york city.

"Hey wasn't that when Loki attacked?" Tony mumbled, chewing on popcorn that the room had for all the Avengers.

"Yep," Steve answered, frowning slightly.

The scene changed to a couple arguing in the background and a child listening through the vents.

"Who's the kid?" Clint asked, as he too enjoyed the popcorn.

"That's me," Kate muttered, knowing what was about to happen.

"I’ve got it under control, Eleanor!" A man shouted before the child slipped and her toy thudded on the floor.

"Damn it." The woman named Eleanor whispered.

"Do you want to?" The man asked.

"Who are we kidding? You go." She sighed.

"Well that was awkward," Sam mumbled, leaning back in his chair.

Scene change.

The man knocked on the door and slowly opened it. His daughter pretending to be asleep on her bed.

"Kate? Coming in... You shouldn’t eavesdrop."

"Then how would I know what you’re saying when I’m not there?" She said opening her eyes as her father chuckled.

"Hahah smart kid," Nat laughed, causing Kate to smile widely at the compliment.

"I don’t know how to argue with that. How much did you hear?"

"I don’t want to move." She stated, sitting up.

"That much, huh? We don’t have to." He sat down next to Kate.

"How do you know? Mommy said things don’t just fall from the sky."

"Except for Thor," Bruce smiled.

"Well, yeah, but there’s always gonna be weather. Some people forget the one thing they can control, the choices they make in the face of it." Her father stated.

"What would you do in a hurricane?"

"I would do what I always do. Protect you."

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