Episode 5: Kingpin

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The scene showed the outside of an Auto repair shop. Horns honked in the distance. Maya stood in the middle of the parking lot and looked around at her backup.

Maya sighed and leaned back in the chair as she knew what was about to happen.

The camera showed Kazi looking through a rifle. He sighed deeply. Out from the shadows, a sword rested against Kazi's neck

"Woahh," Ned's gasped.

He froze, "Okay, let’s talk."

The figure holding the sword knocked Kazi out.

Thor winced as he chewed on a pizza slice.

Suspenseful music played as Maya looked around. The Tracksuit Mafia hid behind the cars; weapons at the ready.

A baseball bat clattered as a man was dragged under a car. Each of the members of the Tracksuit Mafia were taken out one by one.

"What?!" Peter exclaimed.

"It's like a horror movie!" Ned gasped.

"Shiiit," Bucky whistled.

Maya looked around and gasped when she saw her back-up was no longer there. She took out her gun and pointed it in front of her.

Everyone watched nervously.

Maya breathed heavily. She fired repeatedly when she saw someone run past the cars. She fired again but her gun clicked. She grunted in frustration as she had ran out of bullets.

"I hate it when that happens," Yelena shook her head with a frown.

A figure emerged from the shadows: it was Ronin.

Clint scratched his neck as Maya glared at him.

Maya scowled at him angrily as he marched towards her. She ran forward and clicked her gun so the bottom part hit him in the face as a distraction. Maya grunted as she kicked at him repeatedly. Ronin dodged and swung with his sword. She punched him and kicked again; taking the sword from him.

"Woah," T'Challa's eyes widened in surprise.

"Damn," Kate watched with her mouth wide open in shock.

"That was cool," Yelena nodded at Maya.

She hit him in the face and swung the sword at him. Ronin turned and punched Maya in the face; kicking the sword out of her hand.

"Good kick," Bucky nodded.

Maya breathed heavily as she punched Ronin; over and over again. He grunted as he held her arm. He kicked her to the ground.

Maya frowned and crossed her arms.

She quickly got up and jumped at Ronin; kicking him in the chest, head and legs. Ronin rolled backwards and ran forward. Maya grabbed his arm and did a flip; landing on her knee.

Yelena looked at Maya and smirked, "I like you, you're pretty cool."

Maya grinned as Natasha translated what her sister said.

Maya nodded, "you too."

They both looked at the sword and ran to it. Ronin was faster as he blocked Maya's kick with the blade. He pushed her backwards and she landed on the floor; her back to a car. Ronin pointed his sword at her as she panted; backing away slightly. He took off his mask.

"This is intense," Steve sighed.

Clint grimaced.

Maya's eyes widened as she glared at the face of Clint Barton.

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