Episode 4: Bombshell

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Clint walked into the kitchen as the radio announced it was three days until Christmas. He looked down at his phone and took a sip of his drink.

"Three days and then you're with your wife and kids," Steve smiled confidently.

"Morning," Kate nodded as she walked into the room.

"Mornin’, Some coffee."

Tony raised his mug of coffee and took a sip.

"Oh, thank God," Kate sighed as she walked towards the table to pour herself a mug.

"Okay, this morning, I’m gonna have a talk with our friend, Kazi," Clint announced, "What I want you to do is track down the trick arrows from our friends, the LARPers."

Kate smiled at the mention of the arrows as Thor cheered at the mention of the LARPers.

Kate chuckled in confusion, "Wait, what?"

"My tracer arrow stopped moving, and it’s over by an NYPD facility down by the bridge," Clint continued as Kate smiled, "And now the LARPers, they’re mostly first responders, one’s a cop. See if they can get access to that NYPD facility."

"LARPer friends."

"I must meet them one day!" Thor grinned.

"Definately," Peter and Ned agreed.

"Yeah, they’re… They’re colorful. You’re gonna love ’em," Clint nodded.

"I already do," Kate chuckled, eating a slice of pizza.

"You know, I like to think of them more as our arrows," Kate shrugged

"Okay. Go get our arrows."

Kate watched the screen smugly as Clint smiled slightly.

"Hmm," she grinned, taking a sip of coffee.

The scene changed to show the LARPers standing outside and practicing their fighting moves.

"Ice Wall!" A man yelled, waving his sword up and down.

"I wonder," Peter started, "if there is a superhero with ice powers."

"That would be so cool," Ned grinned.

The camera showed Kate walking towards the group with Pizza Dog at her side. She smiled in slight amusement.

Bucky and Clint smiled as they saw Pizza Dog.

The group yelled simultaneously as they stabbed the ground.

"Hey, I, uh… I don’t mean to interrupt…" Kate yelled as she approached the role players.

"You should join them!" Ned suggested enthusiastically.

They ignored Kate and jabbed at the air with their swords.

Kate raised her eyebrows, "Wow. You guys are… Dedicated."

"Very dedicated," Bucky agreed.

"Who are you?" A LARPer asked, looking at Kate.

"Uh, Hawkeye sent me here on official Avengers business," she smiled, "I’m his partner-slash-best-friend, Kate. He said you guys could help us out. One of you is a cop?"

"...partner-slash-best-friend?" Clint questioned with his eyebrow raised.

Natasha hid her laughter behind her hand as Kate shrugged with a smile.

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