all stories have a happy beginning

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'Fame is a poison most would drink happily despite the warning of a slow
and miserable death."


Atticus's words are true. Fame is a trap that I fell into because I was too naive to see the truth behind it.
Most people would think about success and money when they hear that word, but the truth behind it is dark.

There's a lot of discrimination in this world that only women know the truth of. I'm luck that I've never suffered of my dream and I've lived a "perfect life" untill I signed that stupid contract...

Yes it is supposed to give me a lot of opportunities because of his popularity but he was a pain in the ass.

Women and men were chasing him because of how hot he is. I'm not gonna lie I was attracted to him at first but when we got to know each other he was a whole different person.

Everyone is just charmed by his looks but they don't imagine how ugly of a person he is inside.

I mean that's what I thought
until one day something happened that changed my whole opinion about him. And it changed us...

You're probably thinking "what the fuck is she talking about ?" Well you're going to find out

This is our story


"Eliza! Viens je dois te préparer pour ce soir! Eliza! Come I need to get you read for tonight! " Yelled my best friend Gina from upstairs.

I was in my balcony in my NYC apartment that I was sharing with Gina.

"Attends j'ai pas encore fini ma cigarette. Wait I didn't finish my cigarette." I yelled back

"Elz how many times have I told you to stop smoking." Gina said in her thick British accent filled with anger.

"I know I'm sorry I'm just really stressed this is my first big interview and I don't want to mess up." I replied

"Fine this is the last one otherwise I'm telling Oncle Jonathan." She threatened. "Now come on your interview is starting in 2 hours." She continued while dragging me to my room where she setup all her stuff.

2 hours later

Me and Flo each sat in relatively uncomfortable stools as the crew set up their cameras. a white background was placed behind us, matching Flo's black and white outfit. Me, on the other hand, I am wearing a navy blue ribbed corset that was lined with a flowery lace and cream colored pants.

"hi i'm Florence Pugh," Flo started

"and i'm Elizabeth Delacroix,"

"and we're going to do the wired autocomplete.." she stopped for a second to think.

"interview" you supplied for her

"interview." she nodded

the video cut of as we laughed and were replaced with a white screen stating the basis of the interview.

Florence was handed a white board while I was handed another, "i'll hold yours and you can hold mine." she suggested, grabbing my board and placing in her lap.

"okay, you go first." you agreed and immediately went to rip of the first slip of paper.

"where is Florence Pugh...?" I started started

"from!" elizabeth read once the paper was removed, "that's a lot nicer than 'where's Florence Pugh.' England." she shrugged.

"where did Florence Pugh go to college? "

"she didn't go to college"I said and ripped off the next slip.

"Yeah but I still went to a drama school." she stated smugly with a smile. "3 and a half years."

I giggled, "smug bitch." I whispered without any malice. Florence laughed and pulled of the next slip herself.

"when was lizzie born? January 3,
1996, same year as Bella Hadid . hashtag i love Bella Hadid."she answered answered

I laughed, "Flo does this weird thing where she says the word hashtag out loud and she thinks it's the funniest thing in the world."

"it is the funniest thing in the world." She defended, "i just want to clarify: i'm not like being serious when i say it." She put the board down and held her hands up. "okay next question!"

"when did Florence Pugh start acting? that's a bigger question because i think my first professional job was when i was really young but i don't really start acting then i don't think." she stopped to think, "i would say my sophomore year of highschool when i started understudying."

"that's lovely," I turned to Flo and she grabbed my board off her lap.

"okay, where is Elizabeth Delacroix from?"

"France, Bergerac," I said playing with one of the paper slips I ripped off Flo's board.

"she's a french gal," Flo impersonated your slight french accent before laughing.

"oh god," I muttered and leaned over to peal of the next paper seeing as Flo was too busy laughing at her own 'joke'. "you're the only one laughing Flo." you shook your head with a slight chuckle, "anyway, how old is Elizabeth Delacroix. i'm 24."

Flo pulled off the next slip, "is Elizabeth Delacroix dating someone."

"yes I'm dating Andrew Garfield." I said and quickly pulled another slip.

"no" Florence answered immediately after and gave me a look.

"in my head we're dating."I elaborated

"so no, they're not dating." Flo confirmed

"we could be." I looked into the camera and winked.

Flo sighed, "next question, is Elizabeth's favorite color? Red ."


Florence snorted and shook her head but pulled off the last slip, "when did Eliza start acting."

"well my first acting job was for in a Netflix movie in 2016. i was like 20"

"yeah, Eliza somehow got a lead role in her own Netflix movie when she was 20 with zero acting experience."

"guess i'm just that good." I flipped my hair behind my shoulder jokingly.

We continued will a few more boards before they went through them all.

"this has been our wired autocomplete interview." Flo finished with a smile.

"make sure you watch love and death on april 23th and if Andrew Garfield is watching... please date me."

Flo and I started started laughing and the video cut off

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