♡ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘 ♡

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Ivy Thompson.

Peter kept repeating that name as he stalked through the halls. He kept trying to remember a time when Flash could've given any indication that he had a sister.

He tried to remember an occasion where he had paid any attention to her at all, in fact.

Peter hadn't noticed her before, but maybe that wasn't by accident. As he dug deeper into his subconscious, he could remember a few times he'd spotted her around the school.

She was always alone- Always listening to music. She looked like she didn't have any friends or want any, for that matter. She was the school loner.

Pretty ironic when your brother is the most popular kid in the district.

Peter was going to the nurse at first but ended up backing out last minute in favor of just getting the hell out of school. He thought he could go home, but then he'd have to explain the bruises to his poor aunt, and he really didn't feel like coming up with some half-hearted lie about how he fell or something like that.

No, he decided he'd skip out on that part and just wait until it got darker and seemingly less easy to detect discoloration in one's skin. Instead, he headed a few blocks down the street to one of the few places he could feel calm.

The skate park.

Now, he knew there wasn't anything remarkably calming about a skate park, but if it got him out of his own head for a change, he was all for it.

He pulled back the gate that led to the park, setting down his school bag on one of the benches. It was early; most kids didn't come around here until later in the day when it was seemingly "cooler."

He placed his board down, stepping onto it and gliding down a few of the inclines, trying out a few tricks and thoroughly getting lost in the technique. He had his music blasting in his ears, completely tuned out it the world around him.

Skating was definitely one of his favorite things. If only it prevented him from being bullied.

He'd gone through all the routine activities the park had to offer, the last being the steep half-pipe he'd only attempted a few times. He had a trick in mind, a tough one, but he wasn't one to back out no matter how dangerous. He walked himself over there, only stopping for a moment when something caught his eye.

It was a person. She was sitting against one of the rails, her board in one hand and her phone in the other. She was listening to music, it looked like, and she had her eyes closed.

She hadn't noticed him.

Peter was about to just ignore her and go back to skating when he noticed the familiarity of her clothing. The green flannel. The same one that girl from earlier was wearing. Not to mention she had the same black hair.

𝚂𝚊𝚏𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙼𝚎 ▶︎ 𝙿.𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now