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Clover's POV:

I have an uneasy feeling while heading home,i don't know why though because it isnt the dark im worried about this time but that feeling only increases once i get closer and closer to my house and the shouting from inside gets louder and louder and more easy to hear,i find myself hesitating to knock on the door,scared of what telling off is going to greet me when i do after all there was a 9/10 chance that they were arguing about me..

Mother's lucky clover certainly wasnt as lucky as she orginally thought it seems because whenever there is a fight it is always about me,what they think is best for,me,me i however couldnt prepare myself to see eden's smug face little face waiting for me at my door,what did he look so proud about?..i wondered to myself..well i already knew didn't i?,he had obviously told my parents about what happened today,like the little snitch he is,i dont think he realises how humilating it is for him to see my parents argue like this but then again he most likely doesnt care about how i feel at all and thats probably why he told them in the first place instead of letting me do it myself,which definately wouldve caused less fighting and arguing,i push past the boy with ease,knocking him to the floor,but i don't look back at him this time,even when i hear him groaning about how i hurt his knee..

As i head for the kitchen i see eden's mom crying at our kitchen table with her head hidden by her arms,calling me all sorts of horrid names while my mother consoles her,she always prefered her friends to me so it was no surprise she wasnt standing up for me against her,i knew the main reason why eden was so exicted about being training partners now,he simply needed the money,not as much as some people in the other disticts such as distict 12 but they were noticibly poorer then majority of the other people who lived here and that seemed to embarrass him and his mother deeply,by being training partners with cato i am ripping the opportunity of a better life for them right out of their hands,which i do feel abit bad for but after remembering what he said to me earlier in the training center that small bit of pity i once had for them disappeared without a trace.

Before i know whats happening i feel a hand grab my hair and tug it hard,pulling me into my seat as i wince in pain"clover!why on earth did you think that you could just change training partner without asking me or your father first?"my mother shouted loudly,almost deafing me in the process"oh i dont know!why on earth would you pair me up with someone who is going to either get me killed or be killed?!I should have the right to choose my own partner in a life or death sanario dont you think?"i shout back,i hear edens mother gasp as if what i had just said was extremely offending,which it wasnt because it was nothing but the truth..

I was just about to say more when i suddenly a sharp jolt of pain hits the side of my face and my vision goes blurry,thats the last thing i remember before being woken up by the birds tweeting outside my window,i tried to get up and close it but i stumbled and fell onto the floor,i finally managed to heave myself back onto my bed after afew tries,i was about to just lay about for the rest of the day because of how horrible i felt but then i remembered cato,i checked the time and he'd been waiting for me for awhile already,i was still wearing the training outfit from yesterday and there wasnt time for me to change,otherwise i'd be even more late.

I make my way outside,managing to sneak past my parents who were sitting down in the kitchen not saying a word eachother,i found that quite strange because it was a change from the usual arguing but i paid no further mind to it,i keep walking,past the trees and the other houses,i found some people giving me strange looks,some even looked slightly worried but i again paid no mind to it,soon after i reach the training center where cato stood waiting for me,his annoyance seemed to turn to worry as he saw me"clove what the hell happened to you?!"it only then dawned on me that i hadn't even checked what had happend to my face after last night,i lifted my hand up to the side of my forehead which was where the most pain seemed to me coming from and my hand came back red and dripping blood.

I don't remember much after that but i think its safe to assume that i collasped on the  ground,probably from the injury but it could also be due to shock as well,i wake up back at home,staring at my celling,i figure cato mustve brought me back here,since he already had a rough idea of where i live since two nights ago when we met,i touch my once bleeding forehead only to realise that its all bandaged up,this mustve been the work of my father,who was once a doctor,i open my bedroom door and start to head down the stairs holding the rail to prevent myself from falling forwards,i couldn't even go down the stairs without the aid or a railing,what if im not better intime for the games??..then i realised who had done all this, you can just imagine my rage when i see him in my kitchen with his mother and my parents,staring at me with that same smug look on his face. 

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