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Cato's POV:

Me and Clove have been sitting in silence for a little over an hour now,I think that It wasn't until now that We'd actually realized that this is it,Our last night in district two..For now, Hopefully it's just for now anyways..

Suddenly She takes one of Her knives out of Her backpack and starts carving something into the tree She's sitting on.
"What are you doing up there?"
I call up to Her,Motioning to the knife in Her hand.

"Writing Our initials on this tree,Atleast If We don't live on it will."
"That's..Certainly a way to look at it-"
I reply..She says it in such a casual tone that it's almost alarming.

"..Well Aren't You going to get up here and help Me?"
"Right,I was just about to-"
I mumble while slowly making My way from the roof to the tree..and up the branches until I reached Clove.

"Here You go. "She says,turning to Me while handing Me Her knife after She'd finished up on Her C.

"..Your writing looks absolutely atrocious-"
Clove retorts from over My shoulder,Her mouth forming a sly grin.
"Oh look at that..another thing that We have in common,Maybe We aren't so different after all."
"Shut your trap Blondie,We are as different as different can be no matter how much You try and deny it. "
She replies,rolling Her eyes while placing a finger on My lips.
"Yeah,Yeah whatever You say.."
I yawn while swatting Her hand away and sloppily finishing the carving.

"There We go,Clove and Cato."
"Correction,Cato and Clove..Also You used the nickname I gave You-"
"I think it's starting to grow on Me..Unfortunately."

"Hey atleast it's original..Unlike Blondie-"
"You removed one letter from My name and called it a day don't even start with Me about being original."

Clover's POV:

There's a pause in our conversation after that,A sudden stop..

"You know..You should really say one last goodbye to your parents,Well before tomorrow..There won't be much time left by then."
Unbeknownst to Cato,That is exactly how I want it to be.
"I'd rather spend it here with You honestly."

"They've been fighting again haven't they?"
Cato asks cautiously..Looking down at the ground while doing so.
"Noo..Maybe..They've just been grouchy lately,Really grouchy-"
I say,slurring My word half-way through.
"I'm sorry Clove-"
He begins,But I stop Him before He has the chance to finish.
"Don't be,Really..Don't let My moody parents ruin tonight for Us,Plus I'd rather spend it with You anyways..even if They weren't."

Cato's POV:

"Really..You mean that?"
I ask,Half thinking that what She just said was a joke of sorts.
"Don't make me repeat myself Cato.."
There's a long pause before She says anything else.
"..Just so You know..Incase You didn't already,I'd spend time with You over anyone else."
"If only I could say the same thing about You.."
"I knew you'd reply with something like that..But I'm being serious,I really do mean it."
The expression on Her face is unreadable..Maybe She really did mean it,Which in that case means that I completely ruined the whole conversation..Well isn't that just typical?

"Clove I didn't mean to-"
I start before getting interupted yet again by the hazel eyed girl.
"It's..Fine don't worry about it."

"..You must be tired,In all honesty I'm surprised that you haven't fallen asleep yet."
I chuckle awkwardly while scratching the back of My neck.
She replies back,Half-heartedly..Not even making the effort to look Me in the eyes.
"You can sleep now if you'd like..I really don't mind."
"Well I do..I want to make this night rememberable and it can't be rememberable if I decide to sleep through it.."
She mutters softly while gripping onto My arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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