Day 2: Stories

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There are stories to why people are depressed. Some may get bullied, others just are always sad. Here is me and Lacy's story
Caroline: It all started off when I didn't go to school on a Tuesday. I went to the cheerlead because I went to the doctorsand I thought I could be excused for going to the doctors. My principal would let me cheer. I was so mad. I was swearing to my cheer coach.
"I'm so fucking mad at her she is a bitch."
Now I'm not a terrible person for swearing my coach did not mind is swearing. Hell! She would swear.
Anyways, I had to sit through 2 basketball ball games. That's 2 hours of doing nothing. But my coach brought her friend. So I got really close to her friend and I told her this boy has been texting me dirty things and I don't like it. I showed her it and she texted him. Now at this point k was just telling her everything. And I mean everything. These boys would makeout with me and our their hands up my legs and stuff like that I told her that also. I told her not to tell anyone. The next day I go to school the whole day was great! Until the end of the day I got my stuff, and packed it a up and was waiting in line and my principal comes down and says
"Caroline can I speak to you in my office for a moment."
My heart dropped to the floor, even deeper actually. I walked down to her office with her. And she said to my brother
"Logan tell the bus driver to wait for your sister."
My heart was racing. She asked me
"Why were you at cheer last night?"
She always had this dumb look on her face. I said
"I had a doctors appointment all day."
She said
"Your doctors appointment took you all day long?"
I nodded my head. She said
"The cheer coach told me that you been doing dirty things with these boys is this true?"
I said
She took my phone and said
"You'll be getting this tomorrow."
And I just left. she called home and told my mom everything which later my mom talked to me about it.
After my mom left I was in my room alone crying. I had for three hours in my parents room no one could find me.
Once my mom left to go to her job I went to my room. I brought out razor blades. It was my first time ever cutting but I had the blades from X-Acto knife blades. (I use to be a crafter) I made one cut here, another here,and one there. It didn't hurt I just had alit of blood every where. But I want to sleep and then went on with my day. I also found out that I got suspended from cheer for two weeks. Once the two weeks were up I was so happy! But my principal kept on harassing me about the whole thing. I could take anymore so I cut. Then I flushed my blades. Then these girls were being mean to me over and over again I would cry all the time and I tried killing my self 10 times. I haven't cut until tonight.
That was my story.
Lacy's Story: At the age of 8 she was raped by her aunts dad. She says that he threw her into the bed and just kept saying
"You know you like it"
And she told no one besides me.
When she was little her parents were drug addicts. She as born with drugs in her. She has always acted younger until this year. She has been getting called ugly, fat, bitch, and many more.
She barley eats, and gets pushed into lockers all the time and is treated like shit. She cuts every day but,she hasn't cut in two day! But there is more to her story but she wishes it to stay with us.
But you see these are reasons why people cut.

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