I lean my head and hands on a tree trying to calm my breathing. I let out a shriek when someone touches my arm. I whip around pushing my back into the tree. My panic calms down when I see it's just Telephus. I look at him confused, just as he looks at me the same.
"Are you okay?" He asks, looking at me, his eyes scanning mine. He was trying to figure out if something had happened. Then his eyes went down to my arm. There laid a red hand mark, it was a burn. There was another twining with it on my right arm. Where his hands were gripping onto me, he burned me.
Telephus reached out and gently grabbed my wrists pulling my arm closer to his face. "That looks like it hurts," he gives me a small smile and begins leading me somewhere.
"Where're we going?" I ask, completely ignoring his other question. He glances at me and keeps hold of my hand, his hand was warm but much colder than mine, I liked how it managed to put a chill to my heated skin.
"I have some aid at my house, so... we're going there." He says, as if it was obvious.
I nodded slowly, "Okay..."
I knew this was probably a bad idea. Hey, why don't I go with a man I just met two days ago, great idea me.
I cautiously step into the rather big house; it wasn't something you'd normally see in town. But it was beautiful, nonetheless. He gently interlocks his fingers with mine as we walk up the staircase, to what seemed like a bedroom.
"Are you sure this is okay? I don't wanna burden you and your father." I mumble out quietly.
He shakes his head as he kneels in front of me, getting a small bag out from underneath the bed. He opens it and grabs out a piece of white fabric and touches it to my arm, almost instantly my arm cooled down and the ache from the burn calmed down to just a small dull pulsating feeling.
"What is that?" I ask, looking at it as he holds it to my arm with the utmost care.
"Cooling cloth, I use it sometimes when I get sunburn or overheat." he mumbles, gently tying it to my arm.
"I've never seen anything like it." I stare at the weird contraption.
He nods like he knew that already, "It's not... well it's not really from today." I look at him confused; he seems to catch on that what he said was quite vague.
"Demi-god, remember? Travel anywhere. Blah, blah." He says giving me a small grin as he stands up and brushes his hands off on his pants.
I nod and smile, "That's cool."
He nods and sits down beside me on the bed. "I want you to stay here for a few, my dad's not home, won't be for a bit. I don't want you with your dad for a bit to chill things out."
I shake my head and give him a small smile, "That's sweet of you but I can't do that to you."
He shrugs and leans back on his bed, arms behind his head propping it up a little. "It's alright, I assure you. Please?"
I look at his desperate face and I couldn't help but melt. I sigh and my shoulders drop, "Alright fine. I'll stay."
He grins and pulls me down beside him keeping his arm around my waist. Why I was so comfortable being with him was beyond me, having just met him so few ago.
I take a step cautiously into the living room, the house dead silent and dark. I could hear my own breathing as I slide my hand along the wall, my steps silent and attentive, just like father taught me.
But alas, this person was more skilled than I was. I felt a slender hand curl over my shoulder and a soft and angelic laugh breathily fan against my neck.
"Lovely, lovely girl. Bunnies don't belong in the wolf's den." She softly whispered into my ear before her hand slid down my arm grasping my wrist, pulling my arm up as she yanked me back into her.
I let out a sharp winded gasp, I look around us as our scenery changes to a forest. I pull away from the woman and whip around. My eyes widen as I stare at her from head to toe. She was one of the seven devils, she worked for my father. I'd only met her on one other occasion, and it was years ago. Lilith Amorpho.
"Oh, my dear lovely girl. How've you been?" She cooed out like her whisking me away was something normal. Her thin and cold hands cupped my face as she grinned at me. Her skin flawless and smooth as marbles.
"Lilith?" I breathe out raspily as she laughs and nods.
"In the flesh and blood, like the new look? I know, I know. I'm not used to it but I quite fancy her, she's a pretty little thing." She coos, giving me a twirl, her bright red dress brushing my ankles.
"Did father send you?"
She clicks her tongue, and her arms drop, she flicks her hand at me. "Oh, gods no. That man's head is so far up his ass it's insane. I heard talk of you in the shadow realm and figured I'd pay you a little visit."
She places her hands at her hips and juts one out as she looks me over. "You definitely took after your mother in looks. The woman had it going for her, she was gorgeous. Your brother looks like her too."
My eyes widen at the mention of Azrael, "Az? Have you seen him? Is he okay?"
She shakes her hands, and her eyes widen as she laughs, "Woah, woah. Slow down there. Azrael is perfectly fine, he's a messenger for the gods now. Rarely ever comes to the mortal realm so there isn't much talk of him down here. He's often in the Between."
I slowly nod and release a breath, "Do you think I can see him?"
She frowns and grabs my hands in hers, giving a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry darling, I highly doubt we'd be able to sneak life forms down here without big L noticing." I sigh and look down at the forest floor before nodding.
"I gotta head back before your father notices my absence in the shadow realm, I'll come see you again soon, okay?"
I nod silently once more, and she sighs. Leaning forward she gently places her hands on my face before kissing my forehead.
"See you soon lovely girl." With that she was gone.

The Great War
Fantasy❝An angry child becomes wraths favorite.❞ ⛧ ❝She was born from the mold of a Goddess, not a God's blessing but a curse.❞ ♱ ❝The Blood of The Lamb Feeds All.❞ ⛧ ❝The mystery of Faith Hollow is one of history, for some just fiction; myth told by the e...