Chapter 7

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There's gonna be a few POV changes, sorry!

Taylor's POV:

I got to Cameron's house at around 3:00 just so I could prepare myself for this extremely weird night. I knew that only five people were going to be there for sure. Cameron (duh), Jack Gilinsky, Maggie, Nash, and Jake Foushee. I greated each of them as they came through the door. "Taylor, it's going to be alright. Don't worry." Jake said to me. I hadn't noticed that I had been pacing and biting my nails. "Yeah I know, I'm just worried that this'll be the last chance I 'll have to try and bring her back." I knew that he thought I was insane because he just patted my back and turned around to join Cameron and Jack's conversation. 

I looked into the living room and spotted the game board out on the table. I walked over to it and then quickly went out on the balcony. I leaned my elbows on the ledge and looked out over the city. "Megan. Oh Megan. I can't believe we're doing this." I sighed. 

Megan's POV:

"I know." I replied to him. I was sitting on one of the chairs outside, just watching him. "Don't be scared. This could work for the both of us." I stood up and walked over to him. "I hope this works." He sighed. "I believe that it will and you should too." I kissed his cheek and it was as if the color in his eyes changed and his muscles loosened. He looked over at me and then looked back. "Great, you're here." He said to the air, smiling. "I am." I looked at the little hairs hanging over his face flow through the wind and the reflection of light in his eyes. 

"Hey, Taylor. Its time." Cameron said, peeping through the slider. I walked in before Taylor and stood off to the side. If this didn't work the least I could do was move stuff around and creep them out. Cam turned out the lights. "Okay, does everyone know how to play?" Cameron clapped his hands and rubbed them together anxiously. "No." Jake said. "Alright so the rules are, you can't end the game without saying goodbye. You all have to place two fingers on the little peice thats shaped like an arrow. No pushing or pulling on the piece. We can ask any questions but one at a time. If it works then as the peice moves from each letter it'll make a word or it'll move to yes or no. Ok...let's do this thing."

Everyone took their seats and placed their fingers on the piece. I walked over to them and got myself prepared to move it. "Oh and we have to circle the piece around the board for every player." Once they finished their circles, Taylor got the honor of asking the first question. "Megan, are you here right now?" I waited a second for dramatic effect and then leaned over and pushed the arrow to the yes. 

"Whoa guys, don't be screwing." Jack G said. "It wasn't me." Everyone said together. "Okay, I'll ask another....Megan, why are you here?" I had to think about my answer for a second but then I knew what to say. "N-E-E-D Y-O-U." Nash read. Everyone stared at Taylor. "Dude this if freaking me out." Jake blurted. "Why do you need me?" He asked. "B-R-I-N-G M-E B-A-C-K." Nash read again. "You need me to bring you back..from the dead?" He looked up at the ceiling. "T-E-C-H-N-I-C-A-L-L-Y." I kind of laughed at how I was turning a serious moment into a not-so-serious moment. 

"What if I can't?" He asked. Everyone was just letting Taylor take over which was reasonable. "B-E O-K-A-Y." I spelled. "I don't want to give up on you Megan...I love you." Everyone made an oooooo noise but it didn't bother him. "L-O-V-E Y-O-U T-O-O." I spelled. All of a sudden I tripped backwards on something and hit a lamp. I caught it and stood it back up but then the room fell silent. All eyes were on me. 

Taylors POV:

I saw her. She was there. In the room. I could see her. The tears in my eyes fell down my cheeks as I stood up. Everyone was shocked as well but I was just in another realm. She looked just as beautiful as she did the night of Magcon. I began walking over to her and she was grinning at me. "You can see me." She whispered happily with tears visible in her eyes. I had no words. My fingers intertwined with hers and our arms raised to about head level and we put our foreheads together. "I love you, Taylor. I have since the begining." She said between tears. 

"I haven't stopped thinking about you. Ever since Magcon, you've been in my mind." I said back. She smiled her beautiful smile but then it started to fade away. Her body was starting to fade and her grip loosened. "Megan....Megan what's happening." I asked trying to keep my breath steady. "Taylor, Taylor help me!" She shouted. "Megan, I'm not gonna loose you again!" I held onto her fingers but then suddenly I couldn't feel them anymore. She was gone. I was left just standing there. Tears staining my face, heart racing. 

"Taylor-" Nash tried to say something but I just went upstairs. I laid down on Cameron's bed and threw my arm over my eyes. After about five minutes, I heard footsteps enter the room. "Hey Taylor." It was Cameron. I didn't say anything. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorr-" I cut him off. "Sorry for what? You didn't do anything. She needed MY help but I couldn't do anything to save her." I said harshly. "There was nothing you could've done. Its not your fault." I sat up and stared almost right through him. "I could've held onto her a little longer at Magcon. Maybe asked if she wanted hang out after the show. There's a lot I could've done Cam. A lot." I ran my fingers through my hair and took a breath.

Megan's POV:

I was back in the hospital room, I don't know how I got here but that was the least of my worries. Taylor saw me. He really did. It was like all the puzzle pieces were falling together..and then there was an empty space where a single piece was lost. I started to cry. I just sat on the chair near my bed and cried. I missed the feeling of his fingers and his forehead pressed against mine. He was my everything. Suddenly my thoughts were interupted with the sound of a couple of adults talking. I looked up to see my grandparents. "Ma? Papa?" I whispered. "Oh, sweetie." Ma went up to me and took my hand in hers.

My Papa stood back and just stared at my body. "Its been so long since we've visited you." She said between tears. "We've been so busy but we're here now." She tightened her grip on my hand. "Excuse me Miss, are you ready to sign the papers?" A nurse asked her. She was hesitant to answer. "Yes." She sighed, patted the top of my hand, and then left the room. "Papa, what's going on?" I asked my Papa. Of course he didn't say anything right away. "I'm gonna miss you Meg." He said, a tear falling down his cheek.

What was happening. About ten minutes went by when Ma and the nurse re-entered the room. "Okay she's all set to be moved in the morning. You may say your farwells, but don't take too long." My eyes buldged out of my head because I realized what was going on. "No... I said. Soon everyone left the room and it was just me. What the hell was I supposed to do now?

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