01: One Assassination Coming Right Up!

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Wyatt (𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛)
𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚗 | 𝟷𝟷:𝟶𝟶 𝙰𝙼

"Alright, hear me out," Wyatt began, a mischievous glint in her eye

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"Alright, hear me out," Wyatt began, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I've got a burning desire to unleash my inner pizza maestro. Can I step into your kitchen and create my masterpiece?"

The waitress paused, taking a deep breath before responding, "Our kitchen is off-limits to customers—"

"Wait, hold on a second," Wyatt interjected, stealing a quick glance at Jennie, who seemed to be sinking into her seat. They had just arrived at a pizzeria in London. Wyatt liked carbo-loading after an assignment.

The waitress cleared her throat, "Once again, we don't allow customers in the kitchen. But rest assured that your order will—"

"Okay, Wyatt. That's enough," Jennie declared, giving an elegant wave of her hand. She cast a glance at the waitress's nameplate, a subtle acknowledgment, "Thanks for your assistance." With a slight turn towards Wyatt, she fixed her with a stern gaze, "We'll exercise our incredible patience and wait for our order."

"Ugh," Wyatt groaned, her annoyance palpable. "Why do you always rain on my parade, Jen?"

"Rain on your parade? More like rescue the poor waitress from your relentless nonsense," she deadpanned, leaving no room for argument.

Wyatt averted her gaze and gripped the menu tightly, resembling a disgruntled child on the brink of a tantrum. "This place is so dull."

"Maybe you wouldn't be bored if you had followed through with the mission to eliminate Agent Yu," Jen huffed, summoning another waiter with an exasperated wave. "We could have been sipping margaritas in the Bahamas by now. But you just had to ruin it, didn't you?"

"Speaking of Karina, she's surprisingly taller in person... quite unexpected," Wyatt remarked casually, brushing off Jennie's remark. "And our little scuffle, that went—"

"Horribly, yes," Jen interjected with a sigh, her disappointment evident as she cut her off mid-sentence. It was clear she wanted to emphasize just how poorly their rooftop showdown with Agent Yu had gone.

Ever since their little escapade in Northern Ireland a few weeks back, Wyatt had a burning desire to take Karina down. That incident involved clowns, bubble gum ice cream, three snipers, an excessive amount of firepower, and a highly classified document.

Their company, Black Mamba, had been trying to get its hands on a complete list of the KOSMO agents.

KOSMO is a covert branch of NIS, National Intelligence Service, just like the CIA. Their main objective is to eliminate the black market criminal underworld, basically Wyatt's world, so naturally, they're taking a giant leap to prevent that from happening.

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