17: Winter

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Agent Yu


Karina strolled past a newspaper stand, her eyes gravitating towards a chilling headline about a notorious killer on the loose, targeting politicians. The busy streets buzzed with activity, and a chilly wind swept through, prompting her to tighten the scarf around her neck, layered in a stylish outfit. This case marked the latest in a series she had been diligently working on.

Almost a month has passed since Black Mamba obtained the Kosmo agent list, courtesy of Wyatt. Real names, photos, addresses, and intimate details were exposed online, jeopardizing the safety of undercover operatives.

She grappled with the guilt of compromising everyone due to her naivety, relentlessly checking on agents, their families, sacrificing sleep in her quest for redemption.

Agent Yu ended up temporarily benched, compelled to take administrative leave after the Spain fiasco. Despite surrendering her badge and guns, it didn't deter her from pursuing the ongoing investigation. Occasionally checking leads for Winter, her latest fixation is on Wyatt, unaware that they are the same person.

Surprisingly, her mom remained silent, offering no words of reproach. A statement was released assuring the public that the affected Kosmo agents were in protective custody. Despite the reassurance, Karina couldn't shake off the worry and the self-blame that haunted her every waking moment.

Strolling without a clear direction, Karina ended up at Rekall, a bar laden with memories—both good and haunting. It was the place where she witnessed Wyatt getting shot at, a moment that once stirred remorse, but now fueled a regretful wish: that Ning had taken another shot and put an end to that naevis for good.

Inside the bar, she hoped to find comfort in a cold glass of beer, seeking a brief escape from her troubles.

Giselle, the bartender, greeted her with a bright smile, placing a beer on the house in front of her. "Haven't seen you in a while. How's everything?" she inquired, sliding the glass toward Agent Yu.

"Not okay, but I will be fine," Karina replied, taking a satisfying gulp and releasing a sigh.

"I'm here if you need to talk," Giselle reassured before attending to another customer, leaving Karina to contemplate her thoughts in the dimly lit refuge of the bar. After a few minutes, Giselle slides her another cocktail. "It's from that girl," She motions towards a long haired, blonde sitting from afar which gave her a smiling nod.

Karina politely turned down the drink, offering a friendly smile. "I don't take drinks from strangers, sorry. Tell her thanks though," she said, maintaining a pleasant tone.

After the incident in Spain where she couldn't figure out how Wyatt had drugged her, it had firmly landed on her 'things to avoid' list.

Giselle observed the exchange with a playful smirk. "She's cute..." Giselle mused, her tone light, before swiftly transitioning to a more serious expression. "I mean, if you're into that, obviously I don't assume that you—"

Karina casually cut in, "It's fine, yeah, I like girls," dismissing any potential awkwardness.

She made sure she wasn't too drunk to drive, bade Giselle goodbye and as soon as she got inside her car, an idea came to her mind.

She starts driving, knowing full well the direction she was heading in.

Upon reaching her chosen spot, she parked just outside, grappling with the decision to go in or not.

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