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(A/N: Before I start, Claggor, Mylo, Vi, Caitlyn and Y/N are all in their 20s and Powder and Ekko are 14 year olds

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(A/N: Before I start, Claggor, Mylo, Vi, Caitlyn and Y/N are all in their 20s and Powder and Ekko are 14 year olds.)

"Ekko, find yourself in bed!" I shouted to my younger brother

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"Ekko, find yourself in bed!" I shouted to my younger brother. It's 9pm in the night and I was packing both of our clothes for tomorrow. Our family had a hard time living as we grew up so I found ways to help us survive and to atleast have a plate of food every night.

Most of the things I did to get money didn't really feel right to me or it wasn't my style so I took the thing i love the most and made a job out of it. Gaming, it was one thing that brought both Ekko and I together, so we both made a channel. It started off small and we just uploaded random stuff we wanted to and didn't think much of it but as we continue, the more followers we got and now we have a great following. Mainly I do the streaming, Ekko sometimes will join in but I took over. With a decent amount of following, we moved from YouTube to Twitch to now having a Tiktok account with funny clips from my streams.

I also made a lot of online friends while streaming and also met my girlfriend, Vi. She heard about me online and took an interest, I also had a discord server and she talked to me on there then we exchanged numbers and it went off from there. Vi and I planned on moving in together along with her friends and younger sister, so that's where Ekko and I are leaving to go. I wanted to take Ekko with me so it will be easier for my parents to have enough of money for themselves and I will help out by taking my brother with me so he can make new friends and can actually go to school.

I heard foot steps coming closer and the loud sound of our door opening. I looked up to see Ekko coming to help me with packing. "I said to go sleep not help me." I said, "You looked like you needed help, shush and take it." He answered back and I just rolled me eyes and let him help me. After a while we were finish and went off to bed, we had to share one room but we had bunk beds, I took the top bunk while he's on the bottom. It took us a while but after some talking we both drifted off to sleep.

Waking up from the annoying sound of my alarm I checked to see that it's now 5am in the morning. Raising from my bed, I climbed down from the top bunk so I can wake Ekko up and get ready for the plane ride. Shaking the sleeping boy, all he did was groan and turn to the other side. "Oh my goodness.." I said and started smacking him with his pillow until he got annoyed and got up. Now its 5:30am and we are both ready to head off to the airport, saying our goodbyes to our parents and crying our eyes out as of this will be the last time we see each other until next time, we finally left and went to the bus stop.

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