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an1: I disappeared yet again but it's just bc school I have to focus more this term😞


We got a lot of stares as we walked to a Cafe that was opened and let us in but here we are eating donuts while Claggor is drinking coffee.

"Vi wouldn't let me eat donut for breakfast." Powder said as she took a bite out of her donut. I agreed with what she said but didn't care. Talking about Vi I wonder what she's up to.


Caitlyn was sleeping on the floor while Vi was staring at the door, waiting until it opened up. She got bored easily and was like a ticking bomb right now she wanted to break down the door. She sighed out of frustration.


We all got used to the stares as of right now we are running back to the hotel with no shame. Besides Claggor, he's walking. Making it back to the building we all wanted to get back inside our room, being outside in pj's got boring and we wanted to bathe.

Mylo took this too far and I just decided to tell the front desk. Now that we actually got back inside we saw Mylo on the chair in shocked but saw no Vi or Caitlyn. Before I could blow up at Mylo, I went looking for Vi and Caitlyn, calling out their name as well.

I made it to the bathroom seeing that it was blocked. I removed the items and opened  it to see Vi staring back at me and Caitlyn laying next to her.

"Vi? What are you doing here with Caitlyn?"

I asked her and before Vi could answer we both heard a gasp from Ekko.

I stared at him and he stared back at me then motioned me to get to his level so he can tell me a secret.

"They were makin-"

"EKKO! We weren't doing that, Mylo locked us in and talking about Mylo WHERE IS HE?" Vi said as she got up, searching for the man who just left the room. She ran after him as Powder went to wake up Caitlyn. I stared at Ekko as he looked away from me. I sighed and left the scene and went looking for Mylo and Vi. I found them outside near our room, Vi holding his shirt and him looking away.

"Vi leave him alone."
She looked at me and let him go as he fixed himself and went back into the room. She looked at me and walked up to me then hugged me. I hugged her back and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and I smiled.

"Get a room! LITERALLY GO IN YOUR ROOM." said the neighbor passing us to get into their room. They are all haters.

sorry to say this but I'm gonna end this book I have no more ideas and I'm dragging it out😞 if you want you can tell me ideas for other books to write it can be non arcane related(if ik the show/game)!

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