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After the last streams uh events, everyone now loves Vi!

And that also brings us here, back in the living room, planning another stream and of course Vi is in this one.

"Cmon it will be fun!"

"No it's a boring game."

"It's not boring! And it won't be boring now that we have everyone joining."

Ekko and Mylo were fighting about minecraft.

Mylo finds it boring because he's boring and he picks his nose, while Ekko wants to play it. I'm on Ekko's side with this gotta back up my bro.

"Mylo have you ever played minecraft?"


"Then how will you know if it's boring or not?"

"It just-"

"Shut up we are playing minecraft tonight."

I ended the conversation there and went along with my morning.

I chose a bad day to stream this though, out of my streaming life I still had to take care of my brother and with that comes education meaning, Ekko is starting school with Powder of course. They started today and I have to walk them there.

"Ekko! Powder! Are you both ready?"

And they both appeared in front of me with a some what smile on their faces. I don't know if they were happy to go or not but who cares, they still got to go.

Walking up to the big building I saw that they were other students there all entering the school. Ekko and Powder then turned to me with a discomfort look on their faces.

"Nevermind, I don't want to go."


Oh wow.

"Why? You both were happy before? ew.."

"Don't ew us."

"Don't back talk me lil boy and get your ass in that school."

I'm good at this big sister thing.

Powder laughed at the small argument and then dragged Ekko to the building while waving off to me.


Walking into my room I got a message and checked to see that it was my parents.

I checked and saw that they were just asking the normal questions, "How are you and Ekko?" or "Are you both well?" type of stuff.

I was having a very lovely chat with them until my mom asked me something related to my last stream..

"Who's she?"

Oh yea they don't know..
All I have to do is play it off nicely, or maybe they might accept me.

"Oh she? She's my gf."

"Since when."

She added the full stop..
No need to get scared, I'm very skilled at this.

"A few months.."



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