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Going off from the plan I made some days ago, I had visited the supermarket to get some items got for the baking stream with Vi.

I don't mind it because I'm using a recipe my mom gave me a while back and it's my favorite so it's a deal for deal in my eyes. Entering the apartment, I walked up to the counter to place my items on it, then I started to set up everything for the stream.

"Vi get down here!"

Greeting all my fans and waiting for more to come, I can't help to look behind the camera to see Vi smiling at me trying to hold back my smile so I won't ruin her whole grand opening

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Greeting all my fans and waiting for more to come, I can't help to look behind the camera to see Vi smiling at me trying to hold back my smile so I won't ruin her whole grand opening.

Joking with the comments and talking to them, one comment caught my attention and out of instinct I read it out loud.

"lol are you taken?"

I took it as a joke like normal, it's not the first time I or any other streamers will get comments like this.

"That question will be answered some day, who knows it might be today."
I replied with and got alot of "ooo"s in chat.

"Well then why don't we speed that up? I can help if yk what I mean"



They even added the "😏" emoji too..

"How about I smash you face in?"

Ah there she is, she did look like she was going to blast off on the chair anyways.

"Well there goes my plan-"

"Yeah who cares, I'm the mysterious voice in that last stream and, ta-da! I'm the girlfriend."

Vi said with a grin on her face while looking at the camera. I sighed then smiled at the comments seeing how they all took the situation as something funny instead of serious.

"Now when are we going to start?"
Vi asked as she looked at the ingredients on the counter.

"Jeez right now."


The only reason Vi and I agreed on the baking stream was only because we get something to eat after all of this.

"Okay, Vi you give me the stuff while I do the mixing or whatever."

"Mhmm, have you ever baked something before?"

"Uhm yes but the cookies came out salty.."


"ANYWAYS, do as I say."

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