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Last night's events was..something. When I had ended the stream they all said that they had fun so that's one good thing. The other thing is my fans liked it so much they want to find out who was the extra three who joined.


Opening my eyes due to the sun shining on my face, the first thing I did was to check my social media, but my notifications gave it away, most of it was from Twitter actually.


Oh Mylo.

"What did you want?" I asked while taking the blanket off me and sitting up.

"Do you not see Twitter? I'm famous!"

"Yay you I guess."

"Oh and some of them also wanted to know who's the person who spoke in your stream."

I raised my eyebrows trying to understand what he meant. "Andd what does that mean?"

"They wanna know who Vi is."




"Y/N We have a problem."

"Good morning to you too Vi."

"Yea yea morning." Vi said as she sat on the counter and ruined my quiet coffee time.

"What's this problem?"

"Your fans are demanding to know who I am."

"Yea I know." I said sipping my coffee.

"And what's this problem?"

"If they want to see me, we need to do something big like- I can't just come I your camera, wave my hand and say hi."




"I thought it was something worse.."

"IT IS."


"Very loud morning I'm having.."

Caitlyn said as she arrived in the kitchen

"Hi Caitlyn."
We both said.

"Good morning. May I ask why did I hear shouting?"

"Vi wants a grand reveal to show herself to my fans."

"Well do a stream together one day."

"What kinda stream?"
I asked

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