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"Where is Powder?"

Vi question alerted everyone. We all looked around in realization and found no blue haired girl.

Well all left the mall to see her on the ground near the trees holding something.

"Powder what are you doing?"
Vi asked her as she walked up near her.

Powder turned around and held the blue object in her hand.

Caitlyn took it from her and looked at it also.
"What is this?"

"I don't know."

Before we could all get a look at it some grandpa came and snatched it out of our hands.

"Give it back."
He said as he walked away.

Said grandpa was Slico.

"Who's grandpa was that.."
I asked as I stared at him walking away.


I decided to record our journey in the mall because it's free content. Everyone got out their phone and went on their way to get the mysterious item.


Now being together with Vi doesn't mean I automatically know what she wants. After I walked away I stared at the camera and started to scratch my head.
"What do I get her.." I mumbled to myself as I walked around. Remember gramps? He's been watching my move, I can clearly see him in the camera. I looked back at him and he turned around, pretending that he wasn't following me.

"Why is the creepy grandpa following me." I sighed out.


I made up my mind and bought Vi a..

HEADPHONES. Now reason is she won't join my live because her old headphones works in one ear and she's a very stubborn person to fight with so I bought her one so she won't have any excuse to not join.

I looked at the headphones then looked back up to see Mr. Silco staring at me.

"What do you want."

"Why are you recording in a public place."

"What. Leave me alone."

"I'm calling the security-"




Vi had already planned out what she was gonna get you from the beginning, a figure of your favorite character from your current favorite show. (you can thunk of whatever that person is.)

Looking at her phone she saw Ekko and Mylo in the background talking about something. She turned her head around and saw that Ekko got violent and she walked away.


Ekko's POV

Ekko's original idea was to get Powder something game related like minecraft because she was always playing it but Mylo was getting Claggor the same thing and a fight broke out.

"Mylo get something else."

"No. I am not."

"I got here first! Atleast think of something else to get him."


"Why because your too dumb to do that?"

"I can't think when you're yapping your mouth like that."

That's when Ekko smacked Mylo and the fight didn't go anywhere.

Do they get their gift? I don't know.


Caitlyn & Powder's POV

Powder ran into Caitlyn while finding a gift for Ekko and they decided to stay together. They both talked about what to get for Ekko and Mylo but nothing came in mind. They then saw grandpa and turned around before he could spot them.


"Y/N! Did you get your gift for Vi?"

"If you see that grandpa let me know."


Powder and Caitlyn stood there dumbfounded as Y/N walked away.


Claggor's POV

He's the only one who got his gift without any problem and was waiting outside for us. Though he did see Silco running out the store with the same thing he took back from Powder but this time it was more than one.

Claggor questions his life but doesn't do anything.


"Finally we are back home."

Y/N said as she walked over to the couch and sat down. Caitlyn came beside her and turned on the television to continue her show but Powder stopped her and told her to go on the news.

We all stared at the screen as we saw Silco on the screen being taken away.

"Did we meet a mad man?"
Ekko asked.

"Nope. We met a criminal. Good thing you didn't keep the thing you found Powder." Y/N said as she patted Powder's shoulder and switched back to Netflix.

Silco stole those things and got caught lol.

idk why I brought silco here

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