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o em gee hii exams is over did anyone miss me?!?


Lights off, curtains closed, the only light in the room came from Powder's laptop on her bed. It's currently 5 in the morning, Ekko himself is sleeping. Powder had developed a habit of staying up playing games as the summer just started.

The blur haired girl, messy hair covered her face, she scanned her screen. She is hooked on minecraft for quite a while and stays up whole night looking for mods to make her game more interesting.

She looked out her window to see that the sun is arriving and sighed, noticing that she has again stayed up the night. She shuts off her laptop and headed off to bed.


"Y/n what are you watching."
Vi asked, sitting on the couch next to you. You mumbled something as you stared at the screen.
"Oh, no need to yell."

You rolled your eyes at her as you focus your attention back at the show, you just started it last week and your now on season 3, first episode. Believe it or not you didn't think the show would interest you but seeing Caitlyn watching it and won't shut up about it you gave in.

You also found your new celebrity crush which is ahem, Finn Wolfhard, but if Vi find out she might lose her shit so you're keeping that a secret.

Actually today was suppose to be a day we all go out, but the young ones aren't even out as yet, which got you irritated because you reminded both of them about our day today.

"Vi can you go get Ekko and Powder pleasee?"
"Why me?"
"I'm watching stranger things."
"Okay and?"
".. and I need you to go get Ekko and-"
"OKAY. Fine."


The pink haired girl, entered the room and opened the curtains earning sounds of annoyance from both teens.
"Raise and shine."

Vi said as she walked over to Ekko and dragged his pillow off the bed, making his head fall and then woke up with a glare directed at Vi. She smirked and threw the pillow back at him then made her way to Powder.

"Poww.. time to get upp.."
Vi sat on her bed and tapped her shoulder. Impatience grew as Vi is now shaking the bed and Powder is shoving her face in her pillow yelling some random words at Vi.


"They're up now."
Vi said walking out the room with the teens. Caitlyn then sent everyone to get ready and meet back up in the living room.


"Claggor, Mylo is picking his stinky nose again." Ekko whisper to Claggor as he stared at Mylo digging, a little too much.

"I think that he thinks he's alone right now." Claggor responded back as the rest came out.
"Mylo stop digging." I said as I walked to the front door.


Today we was supposed to do some water fun like go to the beach or pool but Caitlyn said it was too early in the season for that, don't know what she meant.

So instead we are going shopping. To make it even fun I suggested we buy things for each other. I buy something for Vi she buys something for me, Mylo buys something for Claggor, Claggor buys something for Caitlyn and Caitlyn buys something for Mylo and of course Ekko buys something for Powder and she buys something for him.

Easy peasy. right? NO something always have to happen when the fun is about to start.

We arrived at the mall, all happy but then Powder, the very curious child she is, found something shining in the trees near the mall so you what she did? SHE WENT TO GO GET IT. No one noticed, she's a quiet child. So we all split up, on accident. She wasn't complaining, this blue item has hit her interest button.


I'm so good at making stories interested.😉

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