Dan and Phil / Phan

36 2 8

It's 3:30 in the morning, I've just watched a bunch of devistatingly heart wrenching Phan videos, and I just want to get some things off my chest.

Whether it's platonic or not, Dan loves Phil (and vice versa).

You can see it in the way Dan looks at Phil, he just has a look like; It makes me happy you're still here, you make everything so much better and I love you.

I love how sarcastic Dan is with Phil, and how he'll laugh when Phil does something stupid or gets hurt, but you know he stops laughing when he thinks something may be genuinely wrong with Phil.

Dan and Phil are seriously like the highest set of friendship goals, ever.

I want to have someone to wake up to anime with, I want someone to bake with, I want someone to draw cat whiskers on, I want someone to look at me like I mean something, I want someone to play Guitar Hero with...I just want a relationship like Dan and Phil's.

I just love everything about their relationship, how Dan stalked him through the internet and Phil noticed him, how they began Skyping and they met up and starting doing videos together, and then eventually moved in and they became famous and it's still just them, Dan and Phil.

Dan has said that Phil is his only friend. With over 4 million subscribers, meeting so many celebrities, Dan sees Phil as one of his only friends.

Dan loves Phil, and it doesn't matter if it's platonic or not, he is one of those people you need in your life and want in your life, because he loves you and he shows it in adorable quirky little ways and he just cares so much and fuck, I just really love Dan and Phil's friendship.

Now someone please explain to me why the time reads 3:45 AM and I'm not tired at all.

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