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(okay triple update phew😓)

So, you must be wondering what's happening between this weird couple right? 

Actually its nothing. One loves to tease & the other makes things worse as he gets teased by easily. 

Taehyung & Jeongguk are married for 2 months now. They were family friends since their birth. They born in the same year, brought up in the same neighborhood, went to school & graduated together from the same university, even was the love of their life too. 

Basically Tae & Gguk were TaeGguk since the start. 

Jeongguk has always been so whipped for his lover that he couldn't wait for their graduation & got engaged with Taehyung before even graduating. Its like he claimed Taehyung as his. Officially.

 He has always been so soft, so gentle towards Taehyung from their childhood as if he's made of any glasses. And this eventually made Taehyung out of the box. Literally. He's too innocent for this world. As he never befriended anyone other than Jeongguk & Jimin in his entire life, he was deprived of so many things he should have known earlier for their future. 

And the month Jeongguk got the job which was the same month they graduated, he decided to get married with his boyfriend. The Kim family & Jeon family fixed the date. 

Taehyung was way more excited for the marriage. Finally he's gonna have his Ggukie all by himself for the whole day. His Ggukie didn't have to sneak into his room at midnight for their cuddles, he could hug the life of him wherever he wants, kiss him like there's no tomorrow without any disturbance. Even thinking of that made his so happy!

But his excitement got vanish when he get to know about something. More like watched something. 

It was before 15 days of their pre planned marriage when his bestie Jiminie decided to break the kiddo mind of him & showed him a Super HD Extra Sound attached Gay Porn in his room. 

That was it. 

Taehyung freaked he hell out that evening that he refused to meet anyone for straight two days. Not a single person. Everyone panicked as the wedding was soon to be happened & Taehyung was not talking to anyone, not even coming out of his room. He didn't even want to face his lifeline Jeongguk. 

Oh Jeongguk, he felt like dying those days because it was the first time he didn't get to see his lover for that long. 

Everyone scolded Jimin for that but the poor soul was just trying to help his soulmate to make him well prepared for his upcoming life.

1 week before their wedding, Taehyung finally looked at his lover's eyes who was kneeling in front of him since 2 hours just to hear his voice, holding his hands on his large palms strongly.

"We will not do that-that Eww thing, r-right Ggukie?"

Taehyung whispered in so tiny voice that Jeongguk coo'd internally but nodded desperately.

We will never do anything you're not comfortable with, my Love.

Taehyung hugged his soon to be husband, smiling in relief after so many days. Jeongguk sighed hugging back tightly but internally regret his decision of not letting anyone give Taehyung Sex Education in exact time. He was too into his innocent part which he didn't want to break.

"Thank you so much Ggukie. I knew you will understand me! And-and I'm sorry I didn't let you come near me those days. I was-so scared thinking of that stupid thing you know. Those were so-so nasty & dirty things Ggukie!"

Taehyung kept saying into the hug, not realizing the latter had a cute pout over his lips hearing his words. 

(Aww BunBun; imagine black hair >A/N)

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(Aww BunBun; imagine black hair >A/N)

But Tae, 

Jeongguk brought his face closer to his own, trying to ease him.

It's normal thing to do between couples. 

"Wh-what? Normal? What was normal Ggukie?"

Taehyung frowned cutely saying those.

The things they were doing you watched in that video. It's called "Love Making". They were making love. It was normal Tae. Everyone do that with their loved ones.

Taehyung's eyes got widen hearing those, clearly panicking. Eyeing his boyfriend in betrayal expression, slowly moving his arms away from the other's grip.

"You-mean we-we will too-"

Hey, hey Baby listen..

Jeongguk wrapped arms around the little figure again to bring him closer to his chest.

What did I say earlier? We'll never do anything against your will hmm? Don't pressurize your little brain & just concentrate on our marriage okay, Love?

Jeongguk sighed again when Taehyung eased down, hugged him back. 

But his mind kept thinking otherwise.

Only if you knew Baby, how much you'll be begging me for doing it over & over once we do it~

A.N: Okay TaTaz, I'll be educating you with some thingies you need to learn, if you're like Tae in this book. *feeling teacher vibes*🧐

Get ready for that & leave your comments.🤗


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