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Missed Me?

Their lips move together in a perfect sync. Its like their lips were meant to kiss each other. Always. Since the beginning of their relationship as couple, they seemed to be made for each other in every way. 

Maybe they were. They are.

Just like now, when Jeongguk is unable to control anymore after the confession he heard from his beloved's mouth and lunges forward, trapping Taehyung between his arms and kissing him deep. His head is spinning with emotions, need, lust and hundred other things, this is all he has ever wanted and its finally happening.

He grunts as he kisses Taehyung hungrily. He is slowly losing his mind because the moans Taehyung is leaving only by the kiss, made him hard already. He has to hold himself not to take his wifey right then and there.

Finally, when they pull away, a string of glistening saliva connected between their lips.

Lingering lips on his Wifey's forehead for a bit longer, Jeongguk brings his face down to Taehyung's level just to admire his beauty. Taehyung looks deeply into his eyes and instinctively licked his lips sighing contently. Jeongguk's eyes fell on those parted sinful lips for a second before returning back to Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung gives a shy smile to grace his hubby's face.

And that's where he loses. Shy Tae is his biggest weakness.

Jeongguk again leans forward, crashing their lips together again, this time with bigger urgency. Immediately sucks on Taehyung's red swollen lips into a streamy passionate kiss cupping his face strongly & kissing him deeper. After letting go of Taehyung's bottom lip, Jeongguk sucks on the tip of his tongue before pushing his own tongue inside to roam around the warmth of the latter's mouth. Taehyung's tongue soon joins him and their wet muscles starts dancing together. They are moaning quietly into each other's mouth. Its all clashing tongues, scraping teeth.

 But it turns out way much hotter when Taehyung feels wet kisses down to his throat, kisses that send jolts all the way to his lower body part. Jeongguk detaches his lips from Taehyung's only to trail open mouthed kisses down his neck. Taehyung lets out a loud lewd moan sending a shudder down Jeongguk's spine, signaling he hit the jackpot. His teeth sink there, at least they start to, when Taehyung jolts back. His hand scratches at Jeongguk's nape while playing with the hair in there. Jeongguk being hungry, starts biting and sucking the place leaving dark marks and then licking it better afterwards.

He doesn't care anymore. His job tonight is to make Taehyung go crazy. To make him feel the love he was afraid of all those times.

And he'll do that anyhow.

And he'll do that anyhow

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