Chapter 22

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I was excited to go to the potluck at Amelie's Church. I really did want to spend more time with this family, under different circumstances, in a different environment.

I wasn't prepared for the dinner, however. I noticed when it was announced we were leaving soon, that everyone was dressing up more formal than their usual outfits. I was scared half to death until Cristy offered me one of her dresses she had thankfully packed. It was a simple light pink dress that clung to my build similar to how a nightgown would, making me uncomfortable, but when I put my coat on it felt okay and luckily complimented the outfit.

I appraised my reflection in the mirror for a few moments before I decided I looked okay enough, then snatched my bag off the desk and left the room in search for Cristy. I was riding with she and Amelie. Everyone else had left a good hour ago, but we had to stick around and gather our donations for the charity.

When we arrived to the church, the doors were thrown open, light spilling out onto the pavement and a loud, fast-paced tune was filling the night air. A few people were milling around by the entrance, soda or caffeinated drinks in hand as they greeted one another. We got a few smiles as we approached the doors and purchased a ticket from the elderly couple sitting at a table just inside the threshold, and walked farther into the church, taking in the sights.

Numerous strands of Christmas lights were strung across the ceiling, casting a dim, golden glow over the floor. An array of brightly decorated Christmas trees were set up in a far corner, stacks of presents piled beneath them. Long rows of tables had all sorts of plates and crockpots and trays full of food set on display, and people were lined up to get their share.

We made our way through the tables of families laughing and eating together, searching for any familiar face. I was almost to the food line when I caught sight of Cadence rushing toward Cristy and I, a smile on her face.

"Girls! I'm so glad you are finally here!" She said excitedly, gripping our shoulders. "I swear, I thought I was going to go insane if there wasn't another girl or two around."

I laughed. "We're glad to be of help."

She linked her arms through ours and led us over to two tables that were occupied by the entirety of the family. Adrien smiled when he seen me and it was enough to awaken the butterflies dormant in the pit of my stomach. He was slouched in his seat, picking at a plate of chicken and rice in front of him. I could tell by the expression on his face that his mind wasn't totally in the present.

"Hey," I said, dropping into the empty seat beside him.

He glanced up from his plate of food, opening his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. His eyes traveled me up and down for a moment, and he raised an eyebrow, saying, "Nice dress."

"Um." I yanked on the edges of my dress, suddenly feeling self- conscious. I was starting to wonder if I should have stuck with jeans and a T-shirt. "Thanks."

Adrien blew out a sigh, dropping his fork, turning in his seat to lean closer to me. "After we eat, would you like to—"

"Marinette, come on! Come get some food with me!"

I was pulled out of my chair and tugged toward the food line with Cristy and Cadence before Adrien could even finish his sentence.

I shot a look at Adrien over my shoulder, but he just gave me a small smile in return.

One of the ladies working the food tables handed me a plate, and I piled it full with chicken and rice, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and a few scoops of fruit salad.

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