Chapter 30

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I was going stir-crazy being stuck in the hospital for at least three weeks now. The doctor was sure I would make a full recovery, but I was being held as a precaution due to the fact that I'd had a high chance of brain damage, not to mention my broken leg.

"It's a miracle you're alive, Marinette," My doctor told me, smiling sympathetically. "Just be thankful. Hang in there, okay?"

The nurses were reluctant to even let me out of bed to try and walk around my room with my crutches or go to the bathroom on my own, but I was gradually granted more freedom to move about as I wanted.

My parents and grandparents visited me every day. It was awkward at first, spending so much time with my grandparents after years of drifting apart, but after the first few days, I got used to it.

Other visitors came in the form of Alya, Zoé, and even Nino. They were glad I was making a full recovery, and were only too happy to fill me in on the goings on at school and all the drama I'd been missing out on. It was a relief to be around that sense of normality again.

Adrien was another frequent visitor of mine. More often than not, he would take up post in the chair beside my bed whenever my parents weren't present, and we would chat about his family and how the bakery was doing, but rarely anything about school.

I did try to get him to fill me in on the things I'd been missing in my classes, but he point-blank refused, telling me that I had enough trouble with physics as it was, and the head injuries I'd received certainly hadn't made me any better at it. I did get notes from a few of my teachers telling me that I had enough to worry about, and that homework could wait.

Today was when I received the best amount of visitors I had all of these two weeks. My jaw dropped and a little bit of chocolate pudding landed in my lap as Adrien strolled inside, followed by Charlene, Kai, Shane, and then Cadence, Cristy and Félix.

"Hi, Marinette!" Kai said excitedly as they circled around the bed, brightly wrapped presents and bags of food in hand.

"W-What..." I swallowed hard, an unexpected wave of emotion crashing over me. "What are you all doing here?"

"Well, don't look so surprised," Adrien said, dropping a present at the foot of my bed.

"It's Christmas, Marinette," Félix said, like it should've been obvious. "You act like we'd really let you spend the day alone."

"Christmas was a month ago..."

Félix looked up at me and frowned, "Well, we didn't get you any gifts when it was Christmas, so now is better than never. And still, we don't want you being alone now do we?"

"But I'm not alone, my parents just went to—"

"We're your family too, you know," Shane said as he pulled on the bedsheets, trying to crawl his way into the bed with me.

My gaze immediately went to Adrien at Shane's words, thinking back to the last thing Adrien said to me before I blacked out. And this was the thing about words. Said in the wrong place at the wrong time, even if they were full of doubt, words had a habit of sticking around for a long time.

"Just go with it." Adrien said, attempting a smile.

"We brought desserts," Cristy said eagerly, setting one of the bags on the nightstand beside the bed. "Aunt Charlene made you brownies!"

I immediately chucked the rest of my pudding in the trash. Who needed packaged pudding when you had homemade brownies?

"I remembered how much you liked them at Christmas Eve dinner." Charlene said with a laugh as I made grabby hands at the bag on the nightstand.

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