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Harry's POV

"D'you think this would sound good as the chorus?" I hum the tune for the lads 

"Think so" Niall says trying the tune for himself 

We've been in the studio all day trying to record a few songs for. We've been adding and removing and re-recording a lot in this album. All of us have contributed a significant amount towards its success and I believe this is the album that will put us in the radar forever. I think part of the reason why we are working so hard for this is because of the fact that we just now understand music for what it really is and we are able to express our feelings without undermining each other.   

"Let's try it" Louis says. We try the chorus and it actually sounds really sound with the rest of the song

"I'm going out for a smoke" Zayn says

"I'm coming too" Louis grunts

We had been recording for a few hours now and all of us are knackered. Our voices are hoarse and it sounds tired. And we have absolutely no motivation right now.

"I like this album you know?" Niall says playing with the guitar

"Yeah, I feel like this portrays us as real musicians and not just some bunch of kids who have no clue on what they're doing" I lay on couch watching the ball hit the ceiling and come back to me as I throw it

"Even if it doesn't end up on the chart this will always be my favorite one no matter how many albums we release" Liam says

"So, how are things between you and Emily?" Niall asks, 

"It's...its going really good" I smile throwing the ball against the ceiling "She makes me feel happy and comfortable and I like how she is with you guys" 

"Yeah" Niall hums 

"I look forward to seeing her everyday you know. And I know she is happy to see me too. Its the little things too" I sit up straight with a grin on my face "like how she texts me random things at the most unexpected time and the fact that it brings a stupid smile to my face, she remembers all the ridiculous shit that falls out of my mouth and you guys know how I like to ramble"

"Yup" They both chuckle

"And she makes the best banana cake" Niall cheers

"Hey! I taught her that" I point out

"But she makes 'em more delicious" He smirks 

"Fuck off" I throw the ball at him

"I like her.....probably a lot more than I like anyone" I shake my head sighing. They both share a look between them and they're smiling which I take as a good sign

"Look who we have here" Louis strolls in with a cigarette in his mouth

"Lou how many times have we told you no smoking inside?" I get up to open the only window in the room 

"Hey guys" I turn around at the voice and instantly smile

"Emily? What are you doing here?" I go up to her and kiss her cheek

"I was just in the neighbourhood and thought I'd drop by. Hope its not a problem?" She smiles at me

"Absolutely not. C'mon" I tug her down to the sofa

"I've got food" Zayn enters holding bags of food


After lunch I went outside to take a call and when I came back in Emily was nowhere to be found. The lads were passed out in a food coma. I walk towards the back of the studio where I find Emily wandering around the room, fingertips gently grazing the instruments

"Do you play baby?" I ask leaning against the doorframe

"Jesus" She chuckles holding her heart. I raise my brow when she doesn't answer "I used to play the guitar when I was a kid"

"Play something for me" I jut my chin

"What? No! I haven't touched a guitar in years!"

"Do it now" I walk across the room and pick out the guitar that she eyed for a second too long

"You can't be serious" She grunts

"Come on baby, just one" I take a seat on the couch

"You're not going to let this go?"

"Nope" I pat the chair across from me for her to sit down. She chews on her lips contemplating and finally settles down with a sigh

"It's gonna sound bad" She warns me

"I'll be the judge of that" I settle back comfortably and wait while she runs her fingers over the strings, familiarizing herself with the guitar. She occasionally strums it and glances at me, waiting for me to stop her but all I do is smile at her. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights and I almost want to squish her.

"What do you want me to play?" She asks


She tests the guitar again and plays a few short tunes and it sounds rusty and forced

"Baby, you're stressing too much. Let it come to you" I smile "Do you want me to turn around?"

"No! No, I just- " She takes a deep breath "I'm ready" I nod at her

After what seems like forever she starts playing. She struggles a little and then it gets better. Once she gets the hang of it- fuck, it sounds so good. She closes her eyes and starts humming a tune I don't quite catch.


I didn't know my girl could play this well. There's a small smile on her face and I can tell she's enjoying herself. She looks like she is in a different world where it's just her and the guitar. She plays for a couple more minutes and slowly the music comes to a stop

"So?" She asks shyly

"I- I don't know what to say, sound amazing, I mean- wow" I chuckle "Honestly, can you join our band?"

"Stop it, you're just saying that" She gets up to place the guitar back in its place

"No, baby, I mean it. You sound really good" I go up to her and hug her from behind giving her a little kiss on the cheek

"Maybe you can play for me every now and then?" I ask leaning my head against her

"Maybe" She smiles turning around and wraps her hand around my neck

"I like this" I say after a beat


"You coming to the studio. I like it" I run my hand up and down her arms

"Yeah?" She crinkles

"We should do this more often"

"Okay" She stands on her toes and closes the space between us, molding our lips. My hand slides down the curves of her body bringing her even closer. She sighs when our tongue meets making me go crazy. I kiss down her neck, my hands disappearing in the pockets of her jeans. I walk her backwards pinning her against the wall and-

"Hey, wanna go to the arcade?" An obnoxiously thick accent interrupts us. I rest my forehead against hers and close my eyes

Fucking Niall the cockblocker

"Sure, Niall" I grit out

"Cool, see ya outside" He skips out of the room

I open my eyes to sound of Emily giggling

"Don't laugh! it's hard being a man"

"I know" She casts a glance to my not so subtle erection.

"Smarty pants" I shake my head with a smile.

"See ya" She leaves the room after giving me a peck

"That fucker, always cockblocking me" I adjust myself and leave to join them outside



All my love,

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