Infinity train 2

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Hey uhh ik I haven't been updating, we lost internet connection for a few days :') anyway here's another chapter, enjoy!


~Timeskip, to the ticket part~

Y/N pov

As the ticket conductor punched a hole on the tickets, all of us suddenly felt sleepy........

My eyelids grew heavy.....

I fell asleep........

(In the dream)

"Nee-san! Nee-san!" 'huh?' I saw my my younger twin siblings running towards me. "W-wha-?" "Let's go play nee-san!" B/N (brother name) said.

I'm so comfused...I thought they're dead...

I suddenly hugged them and started crying.

"Huh? What's wrong nee-san?" S/N (sister name) asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

I wiped my tears and got up from my knees. "Nothing. I just missed you guys." I said while wiping the remaining tears off.

We started walking back to our house which was still the same before the attack. 'It feels like a dream...if this is a dream, I don't ever wanna wake up.' I thought to myself.


'Wasn't I on a train?'
'Where are the others...?'

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!" A voice said once again in my head.

"Wake up! You need to help the others! You need to wake up from this dream!" A voice said once again.

I stopped in my tracks as my younger siblings also stopped and looked at me with concern written in their faces.

"Nee-san?" B/N said but I ignored it. "Nee-san what's wrong?" S/N asked but I ignored it again.

I suddenly turned back around and started sprinting. "Nee-san!" Both S/N and B/N shouted.

'I need to wake up! I need to help the others! Even if I don't want to wake up from this dream, I have to!' I thought to myself.

I dropped on my knees and unsheathed my katana. I put my katana close to my neck then closed my eyes shut...


I cut off my head...

(Back to the real world)

Y/N pov

I bolted up awake and started touching my neck. 'Phew...' I looked at my surroundings and saw Nezuko trying to wake up Tanjiro and saw Rengoku-nii standing up and choking a girl.

I noticed that there is a rope tied around my wrist and it was connected to a girl's wrist behind me. I cut the rope and looked at Nezuko who's still trying to wake her brother up.

"Nezuko, try burning the rope." I told her and she did.


Ah finally this chapter is done! Ik it's short and i'm not yet dead so uh ye Merry Christmas!

See you guys in the next chapter!(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


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