Beating of your heart (extract)

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Obi-Wan took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he raised his lightsaber to a salute.
He did not feel the burn of the red blade as he joined with the Force.

It felt like he was floating in moving water, various noises echoing around him. It was becoming more and more apparent with each beat of his heart.

Wait, heart? Heartbeat?
Would you have a heartbeat as a Force ghost?


Obi-Wan blinked as he came through, recognising the place he sat. Mace and Yoda walked in, steeling himself; he asked, "so, how was my funeral?"

Letting the chatter fade into the background, filling in when he remembered he did previously, Obi-Wan focused on the fact that he'd been thrown into the past.
The Force wanted something. But Obi-Wan wanted something; he wanted the Empire not to rise; he didn't want that death. If he'd have to let go of the Jedi again, then so be it.

He didn't so-much-as flinch as the fire tore through his face from the transformation. He had a mission, and he was going to see it through to the end.


"That's him? That's the Jedi killer? He doesn't look so tough. You don't look so tough to me," Inmate Three growled.

Without much thought to the action, Obi-Wan sighed, "this food tastes terrible," as he spun his fork. Obi-Wan slammed his utensil into the scaled hand suddenly, grabbing him by the gills. Obi-Wan leaned in and whispered with a growl, "maybe you'd taste better."

Drawn by the commotion, the guards shouted down at them, "Hey, what's going on down there!"

"Naas," Obi-Wan grunted, twirling his fork carelessly as he called up, "just playing with my food."

"You're crazy!" The inmate shouted as they all backed away from him.

Obi-Wan eyed the occupants of the room as he continued to chew on the slop. There seemed to be a more prominent reaction this time; was it the use of Mando'a?
From the corner of his eye, he watched as Moralo strode over, predictable, just like before.

"Rako Hardeen," Moralo stated as he sat down. "Your reputation precedes you. I'm curious when you killed that Jedi. Was it for money or revenge?"

"I don't know," Obi-Wan shrugged before looking in Moralo's gleaming eyes directly, "guess I was bored."

"Try the sauce. It makes that slop almost tolerable. I'll be seeing you, Mr Hardeen."

Personally, this slop was excellent compared to Tatooine food.


Obi-Wan smirked as he walked into the cell, ignoring the warnings from the guard behind him. "Eval," he drawled, before glancing up at the upper bunk, "Bane, didn't take you one to be caught."

"If I'm breaking out this goon along with us, it'll cost you. Double my rate," Bane growled as he got to his feet.

"I'll pay you the double, triple if you don't require my assistance," Obi-Wan stepped in smoothly, "that's if- you accept the change of a goon?"

Bane stalked closer, watching the shark-grin and preditor-gleam in the man's face, "trying to earn my respect, goon?"

"I don't want your precious respect, I see an opportunity, and I want it," Obi-Wan growled, pushing himself into Bane's space, "you willing to gamble for more?"

"You're offering double or more; I would not be a good bounty hunter to turn that down," Bane growled, "you willing to take that bet?"

"I offered it, didn't I?"

"You better pay, or not even the Republic will be able to hold me back."

"I'm counting on it," Obi-Wan smirked as he moved forwards until he was flush with Bane.

"If you are done chittering, we got a Chancellor to get," Eval grinned.


Obi-Wan glared at the inmates on the bench-press, a sharks-grin when they scampered off, muttering their apologies. Settling down, he stretched and grabbed the transmitter, the earpiece, and the new chip.

"This is Hardeen," Obi-Wan spoke as he leaned back to grab the bar, "there has been a change in plan; Eval hired Cad Bane to break him out."

"Cad Bane? We had no intel; they were in league together," Mace's voice came over the comm.

"Well, they are," Obi-Wan sighed as he started to lift the weight. He needed to work on his muscles again; he forgot what it feels like to have a young body.

"Foolish we were, to believe Bane's capture was without purpose."

"Yes. Yes, but we can make this work for us," Obi-Wan grinned silently to himself. "No doubt, he shall lead us to some answers about the plot and possibly to his superiors."

"Good idea, Obi-Wan," Mace stated.

Obi-Wan frowned; if Mace kept refusing to use a codename, then he could get his cover blown.

"Just don't blow your cover."

Oh, haha, keep it up, Mace, you'll make me cry from laughter!

"It could take a while to extract you from prison."

"Not to worry," Obi-Wan smirked, "I'm starting to enjoy playing the villain."


This is the first 800 words or so of a new book that I'll be releasing starting on New Year Day, it's around 30k long. I also plan for it to be a trilogy with the second part already written - being a lot shorter - and the third part in the writing currently.
I want to know whether people would be interested in things like this in the future or stick to shorter one-shot type stories.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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