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reason four - accompany
"Minho we need to talk" I heard the low voice say. Seungmin had left at this point and I turned to the younger boy, I let out a breath, it was just me and Felix, I raised an eyebrow at him waiting for whatever he was going to say. "You like Seungmin?" He spoke, I laughed trying to cover up whatever lies I was about to say, "what are you on about" I replied, he squinted his eyes at me knowing full well I lied, "Minho you've liked him for a while now haven't you?" He continued, I didn't know what to say, nor did I know why he knew so much...

"You not talking I'll take that as a yes" Felix muttered, he looked at me taking a quick glance at my current state, "never expected it, but you know I notice right? when I first met you two, even though you guys bickered and annoyed each other a lot the way you looked at him..." Felix added on, he pursed his lips together a small second "why do you like him, Minho?" Felix questioned me as I stumbled backwards now sitting on a table.

My cheeks flushed slightly, why did he care so much? "Why do you care Felix?" I groaned almost sounding annoyed, even though I was more flustered than annoyed, he laughed a little making the air not so tense anymore "because I care dude! But you guys would be hella cute, now answer my question" the same old Felix coming back to reality now making me realise what I was even saying, why was I even telling Felix out of all people.

"Uh we met in primary so like such a long time ago... his company made me feel safe, growing up but like the older we got I think I just liked him... I don't know how to explain it I just do lix" I felt my face heat up and I started to explain mumbling random words together unsure of what or how I felt towards the younger.

He laughed at me "do you think he likes you?" He asked me as I confidently shook my head, he wanted a reason too I knew it just by looking at him he raised his eyebrows implying for a reason "uh I feel like he doesn't, because the way we treat each other, I don't think he likes my accompany as much as I do aha" I frowned to myself feeling now slightly gloomy.

"Why do you treat him like the way you do then?" he questioned me again in a monotone tone which slightly frustrated me as all these questions seemed to have no end nor did I have a proper answer, "mate I don't know, to protect my feelings, because annoying him was the best way to talk to him, he treats me like that, I don't know Felix" I sighed almost panicked, he just smiled and left, leaving me almost distressed in a way.


Reflecting back on my youth I sat quietly down during my maths class, I sat at the back by myself because I didn't care so much about maths, I was too busy thinking about my childhood I didn't pay attention to someone pulling their desk next to mine and sitting next to me.

I didn't realise until I felt a sharp object poking my right arm, bringing me back into the normal world making me realise how dumb I looked staring helplessly out from the window with a very minimalistic view of my school, which I see every single day.

I turned around, scowling, when facing this person it was no one other than Kim Seungmin. It surprised me, he liked maths a lot, well whenever he didn't have exams or tests, and he was good at it too. I felt my ears redden and I pretended to roll my eyes at him sitting next to me, only to be returned with a lovely favour, a weak punch to the shoulder. The same one whom was jabbing me in the side with a pen.

I raised an eyebrow, only for him to shrug his shoulders and point to the board, telling me to focus on the lesson, but I was far to distracted now to pay attention. Most of our lessons tended to have seating plans, however fortunately for maths we did not have one, but I'd never sit with Seungmin in this class so it shocked me when he moved over, all the way from the near front of the class just to sit next to me, at the back. I didn't know how to feel, many mixed feelings and emotions were felt and I couldn't decipher him at all.

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